chapter 17;

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Cole awoke the next morning to his sleeping beauty sleeping peacefully in his arms. His body was covered in a mixture of lipstick marks and love bites; hers only with the bites. He let out a small chuckle, awakening the blonde. She sat up "Goodmorning..." She whispered, looking back at the tired boy. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her shoulder "Morning, baby" He whispered back before picking her up and walking to the shower. "We need a nice shower, hm?" He questioned before setting her down and starting the water. She nervously chuckled, watching him get undressed. "Your not gonna stare at me the entire time? Come on join me" He said as he yanked her shirt off, it getting stuck on her head. The two laughed before he pulled it off, she pulling off the rest of her own clothes and stepping into the warm shower. He turned from her to start washing his own body, giving her some privacy before turning to see her with one leg on the wall as she shaved it. He started laughing and helped her out by washing her hair. "Stop moving your gonna get soap in your eyes" The two were laughing again, "I need to switch legs!" She announced as she put one down and started on the other one. "That's a hot sight, Lils" He said sarcastically, rolling her eyes before getting out with him. "I'm cold" She said as he pulled the towel tighter around her and wrapped his arms around her tightly. She turned to him and cuddling her head into his chest, the two swaying back in forth casually. "I love you" She whispered, "I love you too"

   Later on Lili sat in a cafe by herself, scrolling through her instagram as she waited for Cole to come back from the restroom. A few fans came over and asked for photos as he happily took some with them as Cole returned. "Are you guys on a date?" One of them asked as she recorded the two. Lili giggled and took his hand before they walked out of the small cafe, "Nosy children" She whispered jokingly. He nodded, looking down at Lili who was blushing and giggling down at her phone. He peered over, noticing her reading the texts with Camila

   Camila: Godddddddddd LILIII

   Lili: godddddddddd CAMIII

   Camila: Aweeee you with your husband ;))

   Lili: Oh sushhhh you shit

   Camila: Only out of love 💕💕

   Cole let out a sigh and pressed a kiss to her forehead, pulling her closer "Your cute you know that?" He looked down at the blonde as they walked back to the apartment. She giggled again, sending a flutter through his chest "Thank you. Cutie" She leaned up and kissed him. He kissed back, not noticing fans taking photos of them before one of them screamed. They pulled away and laughed as someone recorded them before quickly running off, a frown from the fans.

   Once they got the apartment, Lili had a sudden nervous look "Hey, I gotta go for a little bit but don't make plans for tonight! or eat! okay?" She looked nervous and nodded slowly, watching her walk out.

   He smirked and called Camila "Hey Cami, What are good anniversary gifts?"



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