chapter 11;

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a/n ;

Thank you sm for 1k reads !!! it means so much that you guys are liking this book 💕💕 I'm going to make this chapter extra long !!! i have a few twist and turns planned! Some more drama and romance is going to happen so...fair warning now!


Lili was sitting on the couch along with Madelaine, Cole, Camila, KJ, and Casey. "What is it guys? We've been sitting here for almost an hour in dead silence....What's so important?" She asked worriedly, causing Madelaine to frown and look around the room with wide eyes. It was 2 weeks since the fight at the sushi restaurant and they were almost halfway done filming, but the past two weeks weren't right. Cole suddenly became distant, Casey was jittery, Madelaine was nervous, and Camila was extremely protective; extremely. KJ finally spoke, "Okay, But you can't get mad at us or do anything..." He said before beginning the story of what had happened the past 2 weeks, almost as if he was reliving it.

"I finally got Lili asleep...poor thing is so sick" Cole said as he sat down on the couch with the rest of the cast. "Your not going to stay up there with her?" Camila questioned as Cole shook his head. "Nah, She wanted some space for a little bit" He said as Madelaines phone rang; Unknown number. "Hello?" Madelaine piped before a deep voice replied,

"Yes? Is this Madelaine Pesch?" The older man asked curiously, Cole immediatly recognizing the voice as Lilis ex boyfriend.

"Yes why?" She asked curiously, a hint of worry in her voice.

"Listen carefully...If you and your little goons, Especially Cole Sprouse, don't hand over Lili Reinhart by tomorrow morning to me, her rightful lover, I'll—"

Madelaine had already put it on speaker phone, her eyes wide and filled with fear. "Or you'll what...?" She questioning softly before he continued.

"I'll take her by voice, Along with everything you own. You don't steal what's mine, and Cole, if your hearing this...You might want to put a better passcode on your paypal" The man said before hanging up.

Coles phone buzzed, alerting him that $3000 had been sent to an unknown company. "Holy fucking shit" Cole growled, clenching his fists. Madelaines eyes were wide as her phone went off again.

Unknown Text Message: And if you choose to ignore this, I'll make sure i take everything if yours. I have eyes watching, Its best to avoid her. Especially for her safety, I can pull the trigger.

Madelaine read the text outloud, causing Camila to start crying and Cole to slam his fist into the wall.

"We were all, Really scared Lils...We went to police and they tried to track the IP and even searched through the Villa while we were shooting, but it was inconclusive. We would've told—" KJ was cut off by Cole speaking, "We would've told you sooner, but the threats turned out to be true because there was an actual person after us— After you Lils...Baby i'm sorry...I didn't want to risk anything until we got word back from the police, I didn't want to risk your safety" Cole pleaded, gulping nervously.

"And did you get word back?" Lili managed to choke out, looking down at the ground. Cole nodded, "Yeah...It was your ex, Lils, Im so sorry. They did catch him..they caught him..." Coles voice trailed off, looking away. "Caught him where?" Lili said as she looked up the group who's faces told all. "Oh my god was he in the house?" Lili gasped, tensing up. "In your room actually..." Cole finally blurted out, earning a glare from Camila.

Lili took it all in for a moment, rubbing her eyes before letting out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah know, I thought you guys didn't like me anymore. It even got to the point where i bought a plane ticket back home and was going to go back to my ex...Maybe i shouldve because it wouldn't have caused any of this" Tears stung her eyes as she got up, walking out of the room and packing her bags. Cole quickly ran after her, closing the door to her bedroom behind him. "Lili please don't do this...Please don't leave" He said as he tried to stop the blonde. She forced him back, tears flowing down her porcelain cheeks as she threw a shirt in. She turned away from the bed, sliding down before breaking down into tears. "Its not safe for me here, Cole...This was my dream...All i ever wanted was this. Its what i've worked for all my life, and now i'm scared that'll be taken away from me" Lili said as her body was racking as she sobbed. Cole quickly held her close to him, laying the two on the bed as he rubbed her head softly. "It won't be Lili, Nobody will ever take that from you...I'm here, all your friends are here, and we aren't going to let go of you and we will make sure you get what you have worked for. Your amazingly talented, Lils, Nobody will take that from you" Cole whispered, holding the girl close to his chest and kissing her forehead and cheek multiple times. She looked up at him as he wiped tears from her eyes, "I love you, Lili Reinhart. And i will make sure that you are always safe. Now come here..." He whispered as he pulled her closer, kissing her. She felt a smile creep up as she kissed him, the kisses only getting increasingly passionate as she breathed out "I love you so much, Cole"

   He licked her bottom lip for entrance, earning a soft moan as she opened her mouth slightly. She picked at the hem of his shirt, the two barely breaking away to remove their own shirts. He wrapped his arms around her, fiddling with the clasp of her bra before slowly removing it. She let out a small moan as he kissed down her next and above her breasts, lightly sucking. She smiled down at him and pulled him up, peppering kisses on his lips as she reached down and rubbed the bulge in his pants. He let out a groan, moving between her legs and rubbing against her. She whined as the friction became too much, sliding off her pants as he laid kisses down her stomach. He stopped right at her waistline, looking up for permission. She nodded as he moved further down, lightly grazing her inner thigh. She whined as he lightly teased the sensitive nub before rubbing it, sending shocks of pleasure through her body. She felt herself get close but she quickly stopped him, pulling him up and kicking off his pants and boxers. "Are you...Okay with this?" He asked slowly, sliding off her underwear. She nodded with a smile, pulling him closer to her as he began to slowly thrust in and out. "F-faster...Please" She whined out, him picking up his speed. He laid kisses all over her neck and chest as she let out small moans. The whole thing was very slow, very passionate, and very romantic; nothing was rushed or hurried. "Lils..." He moaned out, his speed picking up slightly, "Im going to—" He moaned out again, rubbing her swollen clit. She moaned, nodding "I am too—" she moaned out before her body racked, sending shocks of pleasure throughout her body. He came soon after, riding his out. The two panted softly before he pulled out and put his boxers on, still on a high. She sat up slowly and put her bra and underwear back on, leaning over to him and kissing his cheek softly.

"I love you, Cole" She said as she pulled him down.

He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too, Now let's get some rest. I'm sure there will be questioning tomorrow since we were a bit loud"

The two let out a nervous yet genuine laugh before falling asleep.


Thank u sm again for 1K reads !!!! Here's a special lolol 👀👀 Also !!! I'm planning on writing 2 new Bughead fanfics ! Here's some info on them:

•Betty and Jughead get separated by Alice Cooper (after she finds out they're dating) and they are forced to break up. They find eachother again 4 years later the same way they met; At Pops, bored and lonely.

•A collection of one shots / 2 part stories (Bughead) !!!

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