chapter 6;

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•— 3rd person pov —•

Lili laid down in her bed, the rest of the cast asleep or practicing their lines for the first day on set for episode 1. A slight knock at the door was made before Cole walked in, "Hello beautiful I see your still awake" He teased, sitting next to her on the bed. "Hey ugly, Yeah your face gave me nightmares" She laughed, causing him to dramatically gasped and wrap his arms around her waist. "Oh your dead" He said as he tickled her, keeping her close to his check. "W-Wait i'm just kidding!!!" She finally gave in as he stopped and rested his hands on her hips. He laughed softly and held her in his arms, lightly kissing her forehead. She smiled and looked up at him, blushing as their eyes met. Before she knew it, she was cupping his face and kissing him passionately. Their kisses grew hungrily and more passionately, deepening as they took off their shirts. She pulled herself closer to him before there was a sudden knock on Coles door, causing them to throw their shirts on and answering. "Yeah?" Cole answered it with an annoyed tone, seeing Madelaine. She laughed softly, raising an eyebrow "Sorry to intrude on your personal time, but Lili you still up for tomorrow?" She yelled as she squeezed into Coles room. Lili nodded "Yep! Night!" Lili called as Madelaine walked back into the dark hallway. Cole closed the door, locking the door before the two continued their very long and passionate night.

   The light shown through the windows of Cole's room, causing Lili to wake up and shove her head into the crook of his neck. He laughed softly as he woke up too, turning to her and pulling her closer. He looked down, noticing that he was only in his boxers and she was only in her underwear and a bra. She chuckled softly as she noticed too, before pressing kiss to her forehead. "We used a condom baby, don't worry" He whispered, making her calm down and rest her head against his chest.

   The day on set went by surprisingly fast, them getting the scenes down after atleast 2-3 tries. It was around 3pm and Madelaine and Lili had left set to get lunch together, Not spending a lot of time together. The two girls sat in the restaurant, recording eachother every once in a while and laughing. The split the bill before walking back to the set to continue filming. After filming they all went back to the villa, getting some good nights rest.

   Lili was sitting out in the den, her head rested on Coles lap. He played with her hair, running his hands through the soft locks and twirling them in his fingers. He looked down at her and noticed she had fallen asleep so he decided to pick her up and tuck her into bed. He left a few small kisses on her face before turning to leave. "Wait...Stay" She spoke, barely awake. He chuckled and got into bed with her. She cuddled into the crook of his neck and held his hands softly, the two falling asleep peacefully.

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