chapter 5;

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•— 3rd person pov —•

Lili woke up with a smile, feeling Coles warm embrace as he held her close to his chest. She chuckled softly, quietly getting up to not wake him and walking to the bedroom door. He laughed, "You think you can sneak out? Sneaky Sneaky" He teased, making her giggle. "I'm a super sleuth" She winked before walking out of his room as walking into her own.

Camila was sitting on Lilis bed with a huge smirk, scaring Lili. Cami laughed, "So...Your not going to tell me anything about your romance with Cole huh?" She laughed, making Lili roll her eyes and blush. "The dude smells like cigarettes and cologne but, To each their own i guess" She lightly punched Lili in the arm before the two walked downstairs. Lili sat out on the patio with Cami, the two talking about whatever was on they're minds. Lili sighed and rubbed her eyes before feeling a presence behind her. She looked over and saw Cole standing behind her, his hands on her shoulders as he looked away. Cole lightly pinched Lilis cheek, making her scrunch her face up and wince "Stop it" She said as he put his hands on her cheeks and smushed them together. Cami watched with a amused face as the two teased eachother. "So, Who's the famous Lili Reinhart gossiping about today?" Cami stepped in, grabbing Lilis phone. "Give me the phone, Now" Lili glared at Cami. Cami laughed and began playing monkey in the middle with Lilis phone, Cole going to throw it back to Cami but ended up dropping it. The phone shattered, causing Lili to shoot daggers at Cole. "Cole, I am going to kill you" She said as she walked towards him, him backing up to the point where he fell into the pool. She laughed and jumped in after him, going underwater towards him. He smirked and quickly picked her up, Camila watching from the side lines. The two looked at eachother before swimming towards Camila, pulling her in and going into an all out splash war.

The 3 sat in front of the fire place, wrapped up in towels as KJ stared at them and couldn't help himself but laugh. "Mates, Wouldn't it be hilarious if i dumped water on you" He said between laughs before getting a loud "No!" All in unison. He laughed and handed them another blanket, noticing how close Lili and Cole were and how they were basically huddling together under the covers. "Lovers" He mumbled before walking away to get something to drink. Lili got up and went up to her room to get changed and dry off her hair, The two following behind. Lili came back downstairs, sitting on the counter top and talking to KJ. Cole followed down with Cami and watched suspiciously, making Cami laugh at his sudden jealously. "Mister steal your girl" She mumbled before sitting on the couch. Cole went outside, pulling a cigarette and lighting it as he watched the sunset. Lili came out a few minutes later, standing next to him. He looked over at her and put his cigarette out, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer. Camila stood behind them, taking a photo of them from behind. It showed just they're silhouette in front of the sunset with the caption, "Guess who". Lili rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. He turned towards her and pulled her into hug, she gladly accepting and hugging back as KJ and Camila gawked from afar, taking cute photos. The two broke the hug and looked up at eachother before pulling into a kiss, Cole wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her closer. Camila screamed from inside, pulling KJ over and she quickly took a photo with a giggle. Lili blushed as a little bit of her hair got in her face, Cole putting her hair behind her ear and smiling down at her. "Now is it official?" He laughed, cocking his eyebrows as she nodded in agreement. "Its official."

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