chapter 16;

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   Lili awoke the next morning with a yawn, tiredly trudging to the kitchen. Cole looked over, talking to his brother who recently came into town; Dylan. "Speaking of which, Goodmorning Lili" Cole smiled as Lili only gave a nod. She wrapped her arms around Coles waist, resting her head on his back. Dylan let out a laugh "Long night?" Dylan winked. Cole rolled his eyes, lightly shaking Lili who was falling asleep "Dylan's the hotter twin" Lili said bluntly before walking away.

   Lili came back out to the twins talking a few minutes later, fully dressed and ready for the day. She sat on the counter awkwardly between them, minding her own business and drinking some coffee. Dylan got up for a moment to use the restroom and Cole stood in front of Lili, his hands rested on her knees. "You okay Lili? Your acting a little out of it". She nodded "I've been trying to suppress my inner happiness all morning. And i'm a little tired" She sighed as he lightly kissed her. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around him before Dylan walked back in "I gotta get going Cole— Oh my okay" He let out a nervous laugh before the two quickly pulled away. Cole shook his head, "And im leaving. See ya!" Dylan called as he walked out. They said their goodbyes before Cole quickly picked up the blonde, "We have a cast meeting about season 2 to go to" He put her down in front of the door so they could put their shoes on before leaving.

   Lili and Cole walked into the building hand and hand, noticing how silent it was and how nobody was there. "Are we late—" Lili was cut off by everyone screaming "Congrats!" On their recent engagement. The couple let out a chuckle and Camila pranced around, grabbing ahold of Madelaine "Lili chose me to be the maid of honor" Camila gushed, earning a gasp by all the girls. Cole and Lili looked at eachother and laughed before returning their attention to the loud group of actors. "I'm about to make KJ my maid of honor" Lili laughed as Camila frowned. KJ let out a feminine laugh "Little old me? Oh my god!" He pretended to gush as he spun himself around and pretended to faint.

   The rest of the day went on as usual: the cast talked about the new script for season 2 and how filming was going to start at the end of the month, the cast making jokes, and then heading their separate ways for the night.

   Lili and Cole walked out the building, him holding onto Lilis hand extremely tightly. She winced at the taller boys grip, "Cole what's wrong?" She asked curiously. He noticed what he was doing and quickly let go "Sorry. This place is just really sketchy" He breathed out, a cold breeze hitting their faces as they walked down the street and to the car. "Awe protective Cole" She giggled.

   The two made their way back home, Lili watching the sunset roll down and the night soon fall up; the stars shining through onto the busy new york streets. Cole let out a huff "Hello? Earth to Lili?" He said after minutes of trying to talk to her. She snapped her head to him and let out a laugh "Sorry, spacing out. What's up?" She questioned, earning a smirk from him. "Just asking how your day was" He pulled into the garage of the complex and opened her door for her, holding her hand as they walked upstairs. "Oh good! Sorry i'm a little out of it right now" She chuckled and opened the door, walking in with him. "Oh Lili...I forgot to show you something" He took her hand and led her to the patio of their now shared room. It was filled with fairy lights and was nicely decorated "I took some suggestions you had" He smiled at her look of awe before pulling him into a kiss.

   He smiled and kissed back "I love you" Lili whispered as their kisses deepened.

   "I love you too, Lils" He picked her up and gently hovered above her on the bed, peppering kisses on her face.

   He trailed a hand down her thigh and she smiled at him lovingly, the two knowing this would be a long and passionate night together.


   Finally updated !!! I'm going to be wrapping this up soon so 👀👀 look out for that !!!

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