chapter 13;

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   The next day the group got into their car and began the long drive home, people switching every few hours to avoid falling asleep on the road.

   Madelaine had just finished her turn and switched spots with Lili; Her sitting in the back with Cole and Lili driving in the front. Lili looked through the rear view mirror, noticing how close Madelaine and Cole were when they talked. She gripped the steering wheel, them 5 hours away from home. "I'm going to drive the rest of the way? is that okay?" She asked. Everyone nodded besides Madelaine and Cole which only fueled her jealously filled anger. Lili kept her eyes on the road, ignoring everyone that tried to talk to her. Everyone really being Casey and Camila as Kj had fallen asleep. She looked through the mirror again and noticed Madelaine and Cole taking selfies, Madelaine kissing his cheek in one of them. She let out a small growl in jealously. Casey and Camila must've notice this because Camila finally spoke up, "Could we maybe chill out with the pda and stop to get some food?" The black haired girl snapped. "The tension in this car is crazy" He said as him and Lili were the first to get out, Madelaine and Cole being the last. Camila caught up with Lili and Casey, barely struggling to catch up to them. "Lili are you okay?" Camila asked as they walked into the diner. "Fine and dandy. Lets just eat" She threw a sarcastic smile towards Cole and Madelaine.

   Camila, Casey, and Lili sat on one side of the booth while Cole, Madelaine, and Kj sat on the other side. Lili looked out the window, lost in thought of anger and jealously as her boyfriend sat across from her. The group of less than happy 3 talked quietly to eachother. Kj frowned "Guys i feel left out..." He said, nobody hearing him. "I really wish i had friends to talk to right now" KJ whined before giving up; realizing what was going on. "KJ is there an airport near here?" Lili finally asked amongst the silence. "Just a few miles down...Lili you can't be serious" KJ frowned, looking over at Cole and Madelaine who finally noticed. "Lili why do you need to go to the airport?" Cole asked, earning a glare. "Because i need some time alone. Just like you would like hm?" Lili snapped, causing everyone to go into shock. "Lili it's okay..." Camila gently held her arm. Lili shook her head, sending a glare towards Cole who was standing and looking at her worriedly. "I'll meet you guys at home." She said before grabbing her bag and getting an uber to leave.

   Once she got into the uber she clutched her fists, feeling tears well up in her eyes as she walked the group run out after her.

  "Why did she do that? What the hell is going on?" Cole asked worriedly. "Because you've been ignoring her all day today! No offense but you've been acting like Madelaine is your girlfriend and not Lili!" Camila yelled, KJ gently wrapping his arm around her to calm the tense girl down. Cole looked down, realizing what he had done before Camilas phone buzzed.

  Riverdale Cast Chat

Lili: Camila my uber driver just passed the airport i'm freaking out

Camila: What?!!!! Oh my god Lili i told you not to!!!

Cole: Lili im so sorry! I love you i was just trying to get to know Madelaine since we've barely talked thus far!

Lili: We can discuss that later, Cole. Yeah he isn't even turning around i'm loosing it right now.

   Camila quickly got into the car, starting the engine as everyone got in before she dialed Lilis number on speaker. "Hello?" Lili spoke in a scared tone. "Lili? What's going on? What road are you?" Camila asked quickly, driving down the street. "I'm on the highway. The guy isn't talking at all— Dude! The airport was back there where are you going?" Lili yelled to the guy who kept silent. "Lili? Lili i am so sorry. We're going to come find you" Cole said over the phone. "Right now, Its fine— Sir? Where are we going? Ow! Don't hit me i'm just trying to get to the airport you psycho!" Lili yelled again. Lili started crying, making Coles heart break as he felt tears in his own eyes. Lilis car suddenly made a turn, going back to where they were before. "We turned around" She choked out, seeing the airport approach. "I'm at the airport" She sighed out, her nerves relaxing before noticing the man who was driving her; Her ex. "Oh my god" She quickly got out of the car, him speeding off out of paranoia that the police would catch him.

   She fell to the ground once Camila came, practically choking on tears. Camila helped her up as Casey put her bags back in the car, holding the crying girl. Cole went up to Lili, reaching out for her "Lili im so sorry" He choked out, his eyes clearly red from crying. She looked up at him, detangling herself from Camila as the rest got into the car; leaving Cole and Lili to talk for a moment. "Are you Cole? Because it seems like your more interested in Madelaine—" He cut her off, grabbing her hand softly. "Here..." He got down onto one knee, pulling out a silver and blue ring. "It's not a wedding ring..Don't freak out...Its a promise ring. I promise to always love and care for you, Lili. And maybe one day do an actual proposal" He put the ring on her as she pulled him up and kissed him deeply.

   The group in the car practically cooed over them, giggling like little girls. "Wait did he just propose to her?" Camila turned around from the drivers seat to look at everyone. "No, Promise ring. He was telling me about it last night" KJ said as the two got into the back row, cuddling eachother and not bothering with seatbelts. Camila giggled as the group drove off, back to the Villa.

   It was nighttime and they were about 2 hours away, the only one awake was Camila who was wide awake after taking a brief nap as Kj drove. She looked in the mirror and saw Cole and Lili sharing a set of earbuds and cuddling with eachother. Camila felt a hand on her thigh; KJs. She smiled and held his hand while she drove.

   "Lili" Cole whispered in the small car, the group getting out to go into the villa. He casually picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist as he used one arm to hold her and one hand to hold their bags. He left the bags downstairs and quickly ran upstairs, jumping onto their fluffy bed with a thump. She let out a small laugh as she sat on his lap. "I love you, Cole Sprouse" She cooed. "I love you more, Lili Reinhart" He said as he pulled her down to get some rest before someone open the door quietly, It was Camila. "We have our last day of shooting tomorrow, Goodnight" Camila closed the door before the couple fell asleep in eachothers arms; sleeping peacefully.

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