chapter 18;

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This will be my last chapter everyone! And it'll be a long one! I am writing a Bughead Fanfic right now called "Stolen" So keep a look out for that! I hope you enjoyed this book and thank you ! 💕💕

Cole walked into a lightly dimmed room around 6pm, hearing soft footsteps as he held a small, long box. "Lili?" He whispered out before she appeared around the corner, wearing a soft white dress that complimented her skin. She took his hand and walked towards the dining room in their shared apartment, candles lighting the area. "I made dinner" She kissed his cheek, making him smile. He quickly grabbed her hand, "Wait..." He stopped her and brought her closer as he kissed her passionately. They soon sat down next to eachother and ate, a smile on both of their faces "Did you make this Lili? It's so good!" He complimented, she giggled and nodded.

   They finished dinner and Cole gently grabbed her hand, pulling out the small box. "My dad gave this to my mom for their anniversary...It's kinda a family tradition to pass this on." His voice was soft as he opened the box, revealing a rose made from crystal with the words "I love you" written on the stem in cursive. Lili smiled, tears in her eyes as he placed the box onto the table before she leaned forward and kissed him. He smiled "I love you so much, Lili Reinhart" He smiled as they got up from the table and went to the freezer

    The two talked and laughed for a while, sharing childhood stories before Lili sighed "Are we not going to watch a movie? I bought ice cream and popcorn!" She grabbed the two pints of ice cream and popcorn and went to the living room, ditching her dress on the way there so she was just in her bra and shorts. He laughed, pulling his shirt and pants off so he was in boxers "Of course, Lils" He wrapped his arms around her and began the movie.

   Lili giggled at him as he shoved ice cream into her mouth "Sush! I'm trying to watch the movie you dork!" Cole laughed, ruffling up her hair a bit. "I'm-" He cut her off by shoving more ice cream into her mouth. "Ugh. Your so mean" She pouted and crossed her arms, putting the ice cream down. He only shook his head and pulled them down, putting a blanket over them

   They sat in silence for a few minutes before Cole let out a loud yawn, startling Lili. "Wanna get some rest?" She whispered, looking up at him. He nodded "Yes...But before we do" He leaned down and kissed her softly before leaving kisses all over her face.

   "I love you so much, Lils" He smiled placing another kiss before feeling himself drift off. "I love you too, Forever?" He nodded. "Forever and always" He felt her kiss his chest before the two dozed off, large smiles on their faces from their promises of love and happiness; Forever.

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