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So i've been thinking things over lately and i think i'm going to release ONE last chapter of this. I'm going to be completely honest, I'm a bit over Sprousehart. This isn't shade or anything but it's CLEAR that they are HIGHLY uncomfortable with people shipping them. Especially Lili.

So yes, it's all nice and all and it's cute but when y'all are constantly spamming Lili and Cole with "#sprousehart!!1!1 gOALS 😜" It becomes too much. Lili has clearly taken an absence from posting on instagram (besides from her story) bc of this and bc of filming.

Also i'm gonna be reallll here, Cole Sprouse is pretty problematic and so is the topic of shipping actors and celebrity's that you don't even know.

Cole has a lot of rumors and allegations around him and overall has done some prettttyy shady stuff and while he is an amazing actor and is role as Jughead is 👌👌👌👌 10/10 would smash the like button, he is a human. A very famous human but a human. I just think that it's getting a little too much.

This isn't shade or trying to hate on people's ships at all!! I do agree that Sprousehart is pretty cute but like,,,

Remember the actors of Edward and Bella in Twilight? Remember what happened with that :///

Not saying cheating will happen but i'm not saying that they will have some superficial relationship. Anything is possible but !!! Just keep it respectful 💕💕

A new chapter will be out soon, aka the last chapter, ty!!!

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