chapter 7;

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   Cole and Lili were walking down a shopping area that was in the neighborhood, window shopping and talking. Cole looked down as their hands lightly grazed eachother before quickly holding her hand. She smiled and leaned in closer to him, squeezing his hand softly as they walked. A few fans came up to them, squeeling and asking for photos. "Is Sprousehart real?" One of them asked excitedly, making the two laugh. They both just shrugged, leaving the fans speechless before continuing on with their day. "Where's Cami and KJ?" Cole asked curiously as the two walked into starbucks, sitting down. "They're still at the villa. Cami is really tired apparently" She shrugged as she grabbed their drinks and sat down. He nodded and sat next to her, wrapping his arm around her before leaning into whisper "Are we going to be public about our relationship? Or do you want to wait a little while. Or should we tease them" He chuckled, resting his head ontop of hers. She giggled, "Tease them, Defiantly" She said as she pulled out her phone and began recording, zooming in on his face with a laugh. She posted it, people immediatly saving it and tagging them. Lili rolled her eyes and stood up, taking his hand as the two walked out and got into a cab. Today they were meeting to go over the script for the next few episodes to film.

   That night we had a cast dinner at a nearby restaurant. The group decided to walk due to how close it was and how nice the weather was. Casey and Lili were in front of everyone, their arms hooked as they skipped down the street and jumped. Fans laughed, immediatly asking for photos with the cast. Lili smiled, laughing as she accidentally knocked Camila over. Cami sat on the ground as Lili nearly pissed her pants from laughing. Cami got up and started chasing Lili down the street, making everyone laugh. Lili hid behind a sign, waiting for them to walk by. "Lili? Lili where are you?" Cole called out before jumped by Lili. He started laughing and grabbed ahold of Lili, holding her waist as they walked.

   The group sat down at the table, discussing plans for after filming. "I know we're supposed to do a panel at a few conventions in California and New York" Camila piped into the conversation. Lili was quiet almost the entire time, Her eyes locked on Cole who was on the opposite side of the table. "Lili, You okay?" Casey said as he sat down next to her. She nodded, "Mhm why?" She looked over at him. He shrugged, "Well your giving Cole i want to fuck you eyes" He laughed, causing Lili to blush and roll her eyes. The two talked to eachother for a while, earning jealous glares. Casey wasn't interested in Lili by far, The two just clicked as close best friends. Casey got up to use the restroom and Lili looked back at Cole, smirking. "What?" He mouthed, looking at her with confusing. "Wanna leave" She said, earning a smirk from him as he got up and left, she following behind a moment later.

   He picked her up once they were inside the villa and began kissing her, she eagerly kissing back. He pinned her against the wall, the two going into an all out makeout session for atleast an hour before Lilis phone buzzed. She answered it as Cole kissed down her neck, leaving small hickeys. "H-Hello?" Her voice cracked as he kissed her chest. "O-Okay. B-Bye!" She hung up and quickly pulled him up. "They're on their way, Cole" She said as he put her down, pouting. "Another time" She mumbled and reached up to kiss him as they walked in. "I bring presents!" Camila yells as she walks over to Lili, holding a necklace with a heart on it. Oh my god Camila, You shouldn't have" Lili gushed at the necklace. "Its not from me, I'm just the messenger who picked it up for him. Its from Cole" She said with a chuckle. "Cole? Can you put it on for me" She said with a bright smile, making him melt. He walked over and took the necklace into his hands before clipping it onto her. He pressed a kissed onto the nape of her neck, "Do you like it?" He whispered. She nodded and turned to him, kissing him in front of everyone. He gasped softly before holding her waist and kissing back, quickly spinning her around mid-kiss. The group laughed, watching the couple in awe. "I love you, Lili Reinhart" Cole whispered, smiling. "I love you too, Cole Sprouse"

and then it dawned upon her, It was Dylan not Cole. JKJK SNSNNS wow first author note !!! i hope y'all are enjoying this aaaa

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