chapter 15;

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   Lili sat on her patio of her shared apartment the next day, bundled up as she watched the sunset. She was in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, no makeup and her hair a complete mess. Camila slowly came outside, sitting next to the blonde girl. "Hey Lili, Can you come with me for a second?" She asked calmly, Lili nodding and following her upstairs. She walked into the large room which out multiple expensive yet simple dresses picked out, shoes, and makeup sets. "What's this about?" Lili let out a chuckle, making Camila smile. "Pick an outfit, shoes, and makeup set" Lili looked at her suspiciously, deciding to pick out out the mint green dress, matching heels, white jacket, and mint green heels:

 "Pick an outfit, shoes, and makeup set" Lili looked at her suspiciously, deciding to pick out out the mint green dress, matching heels, white jacket, and mint green heels:

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  Camila then harshly sat down the girl, not saying a word as she put the dress and heels onto her and began doing her hair and makeup. Lili let out a laugh "Camila what are you doing?" She chuckled as the girl put a dark nude lipstick on her lips. "Its a surprise, no grab your bag i'm taking you somewhere" She said calmly, dragging the blonde downstairs and into her car.

   They drove in silence before Camila finally pushed her out of the car and in front of a huge hill. "Go up there Lili! There's a surprise" She said before speeding off. Lili gulped and walked up the somewhat steep before standing in shock. There was a small table set up under a tree with fairy lights and a candle lit with food. She gasped and walked towards the creator of it all; Cole Sprouse.

   "Hey...I know i've treated you pretty bad b—" He was cut off by her kissing him gently, him gladly kissing back. "First date?" He choked out. She nodded, smiling brightly at him before the two sat down across from eachother; their seats casually became closer to eachother as they talked through the night. Cole gulped suddenly, a nervous look on his face as he took his hand and led her to the edge of the hill. "Hold on" He said as he walked away and came back with camera. "Mind if i take a few photos, gorgeous" He winked, causing her to giggle and nod. He took a few photos of her watching the stars and one of her giggling, "God your so pretty" He said as he walked back over to her and kissed her gently. She smiled, "Thank you so much, Cole. I love you so much" She gushed, making him smile brightly. "I love you so much too...Also" He coughed out the last part. "Lili, I've been planning this entire night since the day i met you; Literally. I even had KJ and Camila help me out because they said this was your dream date. Lili i love you, i've always have and i've never stopped or even considered otherwise. I want to continue to love you for the rest of my life..." He stopped for a moment so he wouldn't stop crying before he got down onto one knee. "Lili Reinhart, Will you marry me?" He pulled out a beautiful ring from a red velvet box. She gasped, tears welling up before nodding "Yes" She cried out as he picked her up and spun her around. She giggled and wrapped her arms around him, "I love you so much, Cole" She kissed him passionate, him barely able to let out "I love you too" by her sudden kissing. He laughed and picked her back up, leading her to his car before they drove off back to his apartment.

   The two stayed silent almost the entire car ride, holding eachothers hand and giving loving looks every few minutes along with Lili kissing his hand and cheek happily.

   They reached his apartment and he helped her out of the car before they were tackled by KJ and Camila. "Did you say yes!" Camila chirped. Lili nodded, hiding her blush into Coles side as the two cheered. "Hey Camila, Will you be my maid of honor?" Lili asked excitly, earning a gasp from Camila who practically tackled her to the ground and spun her. "Fuck yes!" Camila cheered, the two giggling like high schoolers after their first kiss.

   Cole finally dragged Lili away, "Goodnight everyone!" He called as he picked up the cheerful blonde and led her inside before kissing her passionately. She smiled and kissed back, her kisses more sweet and excited than heated and sexual. She let out a small giggle, "I'm sorry i'm just really happy right" She said as the two pulled away. He smiled just as bright as her "I know, I'm so happy too!" He cheered as spun her around, dancing with her. The two laughed before sitting down onto the couch, "Ill be right back" He said as he got up and grabbed a bowl of popcorn, 2 sodas, and some candy. "You know me so well" She said as he sat back down and pulled her into his arms. The two cuddled under the covers, smiles still on their faces as they watched the movie in silence.

   "Cole guess what?" "What?" "I love you" "I love you too, forever" Was their last words before dozing off to the sound of credits rolling in the background and crickets from outside.


   Ayeeeee!!! I should be wrapping up this story up pretty soon bbys! Not sure when buttttttt yeah!

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