chapter 2;

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     •— 3rd person pov —•

   Lili awoke the next day with a knock at her door, well atleast multiple knocks at the door. She got up slowly, rubbing her eyes and yawning as she answered it. "Morning baby!" Cole chirped, plopping down onto her bed. She rolled her eyes, slowly sitting back down with a grown "Morning" She said, still half asleep. She rested her head on his shoulder, not wanting to move or get ready for the long day. He wrapped his arm around her, shaking her "Come on lazy! We've got 2 meetings today and a cast dinner. Do you want to be recasted as Betty? If you do then by all means, continue to stay in bed" She immediatly got up and began brushing her teeth, making him smirk with a laugh. She chuckled back, finally fully awake. She got changed into a pair of short white high-waisted shorts with a brown belt, a baby pink lace crop top, and brown leather sandals. She went into the bathroom and began doing her makeup, him picking up her brush and running it through his hair absent mindingly. She giggled and began recording him on Instagram, zooming in on his smug expression. He held the look before the two started laughing "God your such a dork" Lili finally spoke after minutes of silence, he nodded before beginning to brush out her hair for her and putting it into a loose braid. She started recording him doing her hair before he spoke, "Ya know, You should let me do your hair everyday! Oh your recording me" The two started laughing again before she finished up her makeup, deciding to leave her hair in the braid. 'the braid is actually pretty cute' she thought to herself before grabbing her bag and walking out with him.

   The two were greeted by KJ and Cami who were sitting the lobby, Cami with a huge smirk on her face. "Oooh~ Oooh~ Who is Lili trying to impress today?" Came whispered into her ear, twirling her around. "They act like they are dating even though they've only know eachother for 2 weeks" KJ said, pointing out the two girls. Cole shrugged "We all kinda do, guess that's friendship for you" He said with a sigh as Cami teased Lili; the usual. The group headed out for breakfast at a local cafe, they all sitting in a circle at one of the tables. Chattering, eating, occasional fans wanting to take photos (especially with Cole. Especially with Cole). Lili got a call, quickly standing up to take it "Ill be right back" She cheered, walking away. Two guys at a nearby table winked and hollared at Lili, making Cami snicker and Cole clearly uncomfortable. Lili stood outside, clearly in a very heated and uncomfortable conversation and the rest of us watched carefully. 'do we not know shit about personal space? clearly not' Cole thought to himself before sighing, looking back at Lili as she walked in. Guys still cat-calling her.  Lili sighed and plopped down at the table, stirring her orange juice. "Drama?" Cami cocked an eyebrow as she leaned in to hear more. Lili shrugged "More or less. Boyfriend drama yeah" She spoke in a sad tone, sipping her juice. Cami leaned in closer, the two boys still hearing her, "Lili, You have to break up with him. You don't like him, you know that" Cami whispered and Lili nodded in response. "Yeah, I know, But i can't. You know that" Lili shook her head before standing up as everyone finished paying. She was honestly ready to get this entire day over with or atleast to hope that her boyfriend breaks up with her first; to avoid her parents loosing it.  Lili was 20 now, she could easily follow her own rules and live her own life without her parents involvment. That would never happen though. The day went by pretty quickly, mainly because Lili was pretty mute and just listened to the conversations around her. Cole came up behind her, wrapping an arm around her and sitting down. "Seem pretty down today Lils, What's going on?" He asked as he looked over at her, slightly worried. She looked back at him before watching Cami and KJ practice their lines. She finally spoke, "I've been in a pretty bad relationship with this guy since I was 18 and he was 20. Can't break up with him though, My parents will get pretty mad if i do" She let out a sad laugh before standing up, watching as everyone began to leave to get ready for tonight's party.

   Lili and Cami sat in Lili's hotel, They're makeup spread across the floor as they sat in front of the huge mirror, putting on more makeup than usual. "You know, I just found out that i'm a year older than KJ, Your 2 years older than me, and Cole is 4 years older than me" Lili spoke, earning a smirk from Cami as she nodded. "Speaking of Cole, When this whole arrange marriage thing is out of the way—" Cami paused to look at Lili as she put her hand on her knee "And it will be— Are you any Cole going to hook up?" Cami wiggled her eyebrows, watching Lili intentively. Lili let out a small laugh, as if she had been holding it in all day, before shaking her head "Cami, were just friends. Plus it's Cole. That's just how he acts" Lili said, clearly saddened by the thought of him acting flirtatious towards other woman. Cami watched with a smirk before the two got changed. Lili was wearing a strapless sweetheart, the back of the dress showed most of her toned back (going about midway). The dress was Aqua and was long and flowy. Cami wore a tight black dress, casual but true to her character. The two looked in the mirror "Damn we look good" Cami said as she smacked Lilis open back, making her squeak. "Are we a little over dressed?" Lili asked a little worriedly. Cami shook her head, "No. Not at all trust me. People go way over the top here. Trust me, I've been to this restaurant a lot" Cami said with a chuckle before getting into her cab to meet everyone there.

   The night was filled with laughter, drinks, and chatter but the one thing was, Lili and Cole couldn't keep their eyes off eachother. Cami looked down, quickly texting Lili.

    Cami💖 ; so, when will you two fuck? i want to make sure i keep everyone out there so i don't disturb ;)

    Lils💫 ; SHUT IT!! We are not going to! I told you this in the hotel room Cami!

   Cole looked over her shoulder, watching the texts come through with a smirk as he kept his arm wrapped around her.

    Cami💖; Lil slow today hm? hold on let me say it a little slower for you.

    Cami💖 ; He

    Cami💖 ; Wants

    Cami💖 ; To


   Lili quickly put her phone away, Cole chuckling darkly at her. She glared at Cami across the table 'I'm going to kill her if he saw any of that' Lili thought. "I saw all of that" Cole whispered into her ear, making her jump and blush. He chuckled darkly again "Cami knows me pretty well huh?" He smirked as he watched Lili shoot daggers at Cami. Cami shrugged before walking away. Lili went to go after her but Cole quickly sat her down. She groaned before he started talking again, "Lili doesn't feel well! I'm going to take her back to the hotel so she can get some rest" Cole announced, everyone waved goodbye to the two. "What the fuck are you doing Cole?" She whispered as the walked out and got into a cab. "What? i needed an excuse to get out of there!" He said, lightly pinching her cheek. "Oh can it playboy" Lili teased, watching the road as they drove off. "Totally wish i had my camera right now. Picture perfect moment" He leaned against her, she rolled her eyes.

   The two sat on her bed, laughing, talking, and sharing stories. "Yeah, He ate complete shit" Lili said between laughs, accidentally causing her to spill her drink. "Shit" She chuckled, still in her dress from earlier. Cole smirked, using a towel to dry off the spot "Good job, princess". "Oh the pet names" She accidentally spoke aloud, making her blush. He laughed before looking up at her, the two locking eyes. The two leaned in, closing their eyes before.


   Like quickly jumped up and grabbed her phone "Cami?! What do you want— He's what? He's here. Like now. Is he mad? Shitttt...Okay i'll be down" She hung up. "My boyfriend is here..." She looked down before speaking again "He wants to take me out somewhere...Sorry" She frowned and Cole shook his head, following her down. "Lili!" He said in an almost sadistic tone as he hugged her. She looked over his shoulder as she hugged him, mouthing the words "I'm going to kill whoever told him i was here". Cami watched with apologetic eyes as Lili and her boyfriend walked out.

   Lili ran back into the hotel 2 hours later, seeing KJ, Cole, and Cami sitting there and waving to her. Her now ex boyfriend followed behind her "Lili! Come on i was just joking! Lili i love you come back" He called behind her, she quickly snapped around as Paparazzi began getting footage. "Are you? Are you!" She pushed him as the two began arguing. Cole pushed between the paparazzi and quickly grabbed Lili, taking her back upstairs. He closed and locked the door, standing in front of it. "Ugh i'm gonna give that idiot a peace of my-" Cole quickly cut her off by moving her away from the door. "No Lili, you won't. Calm down and tell me what happened" Cole spoke in a stern yet gentle tone as the two sat down. He wrapped his arm around her like usual but this time she leaned in, cuddling close. She told him how he began making cheating accusations and how he started yelling at her and bringing up her personal life as an example. Before she knew it, she was crying into Coles chest and he was holding her close. "Why don't we get changed and get into bed, hm?" She nodded and went into her bathroom, getting into a hoodie and black booty shorts. He was already in sweatpants and a shirt but he decided to take it off and lay down in bed. She laid down next to him and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

   Through the night, the two found themselves moving closer to eachother before him wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer, his nose in her hair.

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