chapter 3;

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•— 3rd person pov —•

Lili's eyes fluttered open, only to be met by her match. Cole, who was staring back at her. "Morning Dylan" She teased, making him groan in response. "Thanks Ashley Tisdale" He smirked, making her gasp. "Oh because we're both blonde" She said sarcastically before looking down at them, 'oh thank god we're dressed'. "No, we didn't have sex Lils" He said as if he read her mind, making her blush madly. "That's..." She remembered the fight, him comforting her, everything. She smiled up at him before pulling him into a tight hug, the two practically falling off the bed. He laughed and kept her in his arms, "And what's this about baby". 'Again with the pet names that make her swoon. Hey who wouldn't swoon when fucking Cole Sprouse calls you baby?' She thought to herself before answering "For last night, and helping me out...Means a lot. Especially with the whole dark past thing" She mumbled the last part before standing up and getting ready. She came out a few minutes later, "Cami wants me to meet her for breakfast to have some girl time" She rolled her eyes, him nodding. "Cool, Text me when you get there, sunshine". "Awe is Cole worried about little old me?" She battered her eyelashes and smiled. "Yeah, Its New York Lils. Better get going or you'll be late! Have fun!" He said as he hushed her out of the hotel.

She met Cami at the diner and the two talked for what seemed like hours, Lili completely forgetting to text Cole back until her phone began to buzz between every word.

Cole💙 ; Hey Lilis 💕 Im going to go out w/ KJ and Casey. Did you make it to breakfast w/ Camila?

Cole💙 ; Yooo? Lili? Are you there yet i'm pretty worried, so is KJ and Casey.

Cole💙 ; Especially after last night

Lili didn't even read the text messages, thinking it was probably her mom asking how New York was compared to Ohio or something. Camila looked down as her phone went off, "Uhm, Lili. Cole is worried about you and you should probably text him back. Oooo Lili~" Camilla cooed with a smirk. 'Shit! I didn't text him back..He's going to be so pissed' She thought before quickly texting him.

Lili ; Shit!!! I am so sorry, i just saw this! Yeah i'm okay, i'm with Camilla!

Cole💙 ; Oh hey, That's good. Gave me a real scare there Lils

Lili ; I am so so so sorry! How's your time with KJ and Casey?

@/colesprouse tweeted; and she drifts farther and farther away. As of everything.

Lili ; ...Cole? Is everything okay i saw your tweet..?

Cole ; 🤷‍♂️

She read his message and sighed, putting her phone away before getting up to walk out with Camilla who had already paid.

The last 3 days before we left for Vancouver passed with a blur, the only thing different was the lack of communication between Lili and Cole that was highly, highly, noticeable. They were all packed, getting ready to board the plane. Lili sat down and next to her was Cole and next to him was Casey. Lili clearly looked nervous and shaky, Most likely her fear of planes. Cole looked over at furrowed his eyebrows, "Lili, Is everything okay?" He whispered, the first word either have said to eachother in 3 days. She shook her head out of the trance she was in before looking at him, nodding slowly "Fear of planes is all" She whispered back. He frowned before taking her hand into his, holding it in comfort. She smile softly and looked at their entwined hands before looking back up, mouthing the words 'Thank You' as they took off. She rested her head onto his shoulder, he rested his on her head as the two fell asleep. Cami got suspicious of the silence after a while and switched seats with Casey, only to find Cole and Lili cuddling into each others arms. She quickly snapped a photo before tweeting "These two" as the caption.

•— coles pov —•

   We soon landed and drove to the villa we would be staying at in Vancouver. During the flight, drive, and almost that entire week there was only one girl I couldn't get my eyes off, and when i did her silhouette out of my head. The way her hair perfectly falls on her shoulders and back, Her bright blue eyes that tell no lies yet hold so many secrets, her smile, how there was no blemish on her face..."KJ! KJ You asshole give me that back! Goddamnit you too Cami!" The familar blonde yelled as everyone started taking her things as she was unpacking and running off with it. I stepped out of my room in the villa, smirking before deciding to join in. KJ, Cami, and I ended up throwing in one of her dresses and her lipstick bag into the pool. She's so cute when she's pissed...

•— 3rd person pov —•

   That night everyone decided to go to a "Welcome to Vancouver" Dinner, Cole and Lili deciding to stay back due to Jet Lag. Lili finished drying off her lipstick bag and putting her dress into the laundry machine before she got an idea; an idea of revenge.

   She crept into Coles room, a devilish grin on her face as she began to take a few of his shirts before quickly running downstairs and to the pool. She giggled evilly as she threw the shirts before turning on her heels to walk away. A familar grip grabbed onto her waist, "Oh don't think you can do that and get away with it" Cole whispered into her ear, throwing her into the pool. She screamed before getting an idea. 'Two can play at that game love' she thought to herself before pretending to drown. "Cole! I'm from fucking Ohio i can't swim" She put her hand out for him to grab, and as soon as she did she pulled him in with a laugh. "Oh come on! That was mean" He pouted before swimming underneath her, putting her onto his shoulders. She laughed as he walked around the pool before throwing her off, making her squeel upon impact.

   It began getting very late, the cast members still out for dinner. Cole and Lili sat in the hot tub, Cole moving closer so he could wrap his arm around her. "So Dylan, tell me, How was it like being on Zach and Cody?" She cocked her eyebrows. He groaned "Child acting isn't as fun as it seems" He pulled her closer, resting his head on hers before continuing, "It all fun and games when your kid, of course, all the attention, fame. Of course it would be fun for a kid. Nowadays its more of a joke because you realize that fart jokes aren't going to get you very far in the industry" He sighed deeply. "Sorry, i shouldn't have asked that..." Her voice drifted off as the two made eyes as he moved in closer. She moved her body up, him putting his hands on her waist before the two pulled into a long, sweet, yet passionate kiss. The two soon broke the kiss, looking at eachother lovingly.

   They soon got out of the hot tub and went upstairs to get changed before anyone could get home. Lili went downstairs and laid down on the couch, stretching out and putting a movie on as she got cozy under a blanket. The rest of the cast soon got home, joining Lili on the couch (Including Cole). Cole wrapped his arm around her as everyone watched a movie, the two falling asleep in each other's arms half way through

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