chapter 12;

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   Lili walked downstairs the next morning after untangling herself from Cole. She yawned and walked into the living room, being greeted by a smirking Camila and Madelaine. "Hi...?" She raised an eyebrow, seeing a coffee and a small box on the table in front of her. "So...Your not going to look in the bag?" Camila giggled uncharacteristically, causing Lili to open the bag. She groaned, pulling out a pregnancy test "Oh my god you guys are immature...We used a condom you guys" she lightly hit their arms, making them laugh. "No seriously, just in case go take it!" Madeline whispered, nudging Lili the bathroom.

   Lili came out of the bathroom 20 minutes later, /fake/ tears staining her face and her face completely red. Everyone gasped in awe, Cole quickly sitting her down in a panic "Lili are you okay? Was it positive?" He let out a gasp, she pretend to sniffle before breaking out into laughter, the two other girls joining in. "Nope!" She laughed out. "You knew about this?" He yelled at Camila, causing her to laugh. "It was Madelaines idea!" She laughed, causing KJ to start laughing too. Cole quickly grabbed Lili's wrist, leading her out onto the patio. "He's pissed..." KJ mumbled as the room soon got quiet.

   "What was that?" Cole snapped, still holding her hand. "Cole it was just a joke! Calm down..." She said, a little hurt by his sudden anger. "How did they know that we...did it?" He whispered the last part, making her frown. "As you said before, We were a bit loud" She chuckled, earning him to sigh deeply. He let out a low laugh before smirking, "Want to turn that bit to very loud?" He leaned in closer to her before the patio door was swung open, "Nope! Its daytime and i am not in the mood to hear her scream your name! We're going out for the week for a road trip!" Camila piped, dragging the two out.

   The group got into the large van, Camila and KJ in the front, Casey and Madelaine in the second row, and Lili and Cole in the last. "I can't believe we're going to Disneyland when we're all 20" Casey let out a laugh, running a hand through his hair. Lili leaned forward between the two, "Just because your 20 doesn't mean you have to act 20" Lili laughed, sitting back down. Camila turned music on, the group listening to the music and talking amongst themselves before Lili felt a small kick in her leg; From Cole. She looked at him and looked away, him doing it again with a smirk when she wasn't looking. The two kicked eachother back and forth, giggling quietly "Cole stop it!" Lili said, causing him to shrug like he didn't do anything. "What are those two doing back there?" Camila whispered to Madelaine and Casey, shrugging. "They're playing footsy" Madelaine smiled at the two as she recorded them. The two quickly looked up and scooted away from eachother, blushing and looking out separate windows. "Never a dull moment"

After a very long day of driving they finally made it to the hotel they were staying at; a block away from disneyland. "The only rules i have for this trip is, Cole and Lili please for the love of god don't take those cliche couple photos at disneyland?" Casey whined, making the two laugh as they walked in. "Just for that i'm going to make sure that we do" Cole laughed, taking Lilis hand as they checked in and walk to their rooms. They were immediatly greeted by screaming fans asking all different, normal questions "Who killed Jason?" "Cole can you dab for us?" "Is sprousehart canon?". Cole laughed at the last question, gesturing down to the two holding hands before walking away after photos; fans were left shell shocked.

The next day they made their way to Disneyland, taking an uber over there. The group got out of the car and walked in, Lili practically jumping up and down out of excitement. Lili was prancing around like a child with Casey, the group laughing at them as fans asked for photos; once again asking the obvious. Lili stood by herself for a moment as Cole took a photo with a fan before noticing a familar figure approaching Madelaine for a photo; her ex. Lili quickly grabbed Madelaines hand, "Lets go going, don't take the photo" She whispered shakily in her ear. Madelaine finally noticed who it was and urged the group to start walking faster. Cole was the only one who stayed behind, not realizing who the guy was and the fact that everyone began walking away. Lili snapped around, seeing Cole talking to the guy as if it was casual conversation. "What are you doing here?" Lili snapped at her ex, clutching onto Coles hand. Cole eyed him before noticing who he was talking to, quickly grabbing ahold on Lili and running off towards the rest of the group. "I'll get you, Lili" He whispered, only Cole hearing it. Cole held Lili closer to him as they caught up with the group. "I'm so sorry Lils..." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She nodded and smiled up at him. "I already informed security about him, Lili, Don't worry!" Camila rubbed her back reassuringly before the group set onto a fun week in California.

   The group sat in their hotel Friday night, packing their belongings for the long trip back to Vancouver. Lili smiled as she posted a photo of them kissing underneath the fireworks, marking their 4 month anniversary and them finally being open about their relationship.

   Cole smiled and walked over to Lili who was laying on their couch, placing a kiss on her cheek as he kneeled beside her on the couch. "Well aren't we cliche?" He laughed, referring to the photos they posted. Lili giggled, turning to face him "Come lay down" She whispered as he climbed onto the couch. He removed his pants and shirt and lifted her onto his chest, laying another kiss on her cheek.

   He suddenly lifted her up with his legs, making her laugh as he played airplane with her. Camila looked over as she took a sip of her water and took multiple photos on her phone of the couple, posting them.

   He finally put her back down on her chest, the two smiling as he put a blanket over them. She cuddled close to his chest, tucking her head into the crook of his neck as he fell asleep.


   Tysm for reading this y'all !!! I do plan on continuing this so don't worry bbys !!! The only issue is, I'm starting to get writers block and i know i can't continue this on foreverrrrrr so pls give me suggestions for new chapters !!!

   Also i started a new bughead fanfic ! its called 4 Days !!! Pls give it a read 💕💕

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