chapter 14;

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   Note: Everything in italics below is a flashback!


   Cole walked into the living room where Lili was sitting, laughing and talking on the phone to some girl. Lili frowned, clearly looking pissed as Cole got off the phone and sat next to her. "Cole we need to talk about something" Lili finally spoke, earning a raised eyebrow from him. "Do you actually love me?" Her tone was stern yet shaky. "Because you don't act like it, at all. You hang out with other girls...A lot lately" She stood up, waiting for an answer that never came from his shocked lips. "Were done Cole..." She said as tears poured out and onto her shirt. She grabbed her bag, walking out of the shared apartment they got together after filming.

   It was now 3 months after their breakup and it was little less then happy; for both sides. Cole almost immediatly got into another relationship, no shock to Lili who hadn't gotten into another relationship.  "Lili you didn't have to come; no offense but you shouldn't have" Camila whispered into Lilis ear who was standing between Camila and Casey, Cole and his new girlfriend a feet ahead.  Casey looked over and whispered to Lili, "Well apparently Cole is just as hurt as you after the breakup...Not acting like it but—" Lili cut him off. "Let's just move on" She frowned, Her words coated in pain and depression. The couple in front of them stopped, Brooke (his girlfriend) leaning in and kissing him. He kissed back, little to no effort or care to want to be with her shown in his kiss. "There's other people here too, Ya know? Keep walking" Lili snapped, earning a small laugh in approval from Camila. "What is your deal blondie? Every time i see you, you act like a fucking bitch? Jealous much?" Brooke snapped, earning a growl from Lili. "I'll meet you at the apartment, Camila" Lili snapped, turning around and walking away. Cole frowned, looking away in shame at himself. "You can't talk to my best friend that way you skank! That's your little boy toys ex girlfriend who's still in love with him after he broke her fucking heart! What the fuck is wrong with you both! Lili has been contemplating even doing season 2 and giving up her role with Betty because of you Cole—" Camila was cut off by Cole who's eyes were red from tears in them, running down the street to Lili.

   "Camila not now..." Lili whispered as she felt the figure approach her. She looked up as her eyes locked with Coles. "Go away Cole" She snapped as he sat down on the bench with her. "Lili...Please..." He choked out as he looked at her. "Lili i love you, I've always have! And i've never stopped" He shoved his hands into his pockets. "If you loved me, you wouldn't treat me like i was second fiddle" She mumbled, looking away from him. Tears were now pouring down both of their faces, him scooting closer. He didn't say anything but pull the blonde into a tight embrace, running his hand gently through her hair and rubbing circles on her back. She suddenly pulled away from him, leaving him shocked. "Your going to have to do a lot more then hug me and confess your love to get men back. Yes, I love you too Cole. More than anything in this world and there on...But i'm not going to give in just because of this. Your going to have to show a lot more. Goodnight" She said as she walked away, getting into her Uber.

   That's it.

   He was going to get back the love of his life, no matter how long it takes.

  He would get her back.

  So he began his plan on winning back the beautiful blonde.

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