chapter 9;

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Lili walked downstairs, Cole following quietly as he stood from the hallway quietly. Camila and KJ joined him as they looked who was at the door; Lilis ex from the hotel. "Holy shit..." Cami mumbled under her breath.

   "Lili, I'm so sorry about what happened. I was just under a lot of pressure...You know i wouldn't hurt you. Or try to. Please except my love again, I love you Lili" He said as he held her hands. Lili looked back at Cami who was glaring daggers and at Cole who's complete mood had dropped. She gulped and looked back at him before he continued. "Ever since we met, I've known i've loved you...Please give me another chance" Her ex pleaded. Lili being the nice girl, Would normally say yes. She didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, she would go with anything so they wouldn't get upset with her. But this time she needed to do this herself. She grabbed the door handle, "Come here again, Or talk to me at all...And i'll make sure your reported the police. Leave now." Her voice was stern yet gentle before she closed the door and locked it, sliding down against the door with her head in her lap.

  "That's my girl" Camila said before noticing that she was crying, Earning a glare from Cole who was picking her up and taking her back upstairs. "I think that's enough for the night, hm?" Cole said as he held the girl close to his body as he walked upstairs. He placed the girl gently down on the bed, looking at her with soft eyes. She sat up, wiping her tears "I'm sorry about that Cole...But i wasn't going to let that guy manipulate me back with him. Plus i'm interested in someone else now" She smiled softly, rubbing her red eyes. He was silent for a moment before getting under the covers and pulling her to his chest. "Don't be sorry...It's not your fault at all" He pressed a kiss to her forehead, scooting down so their eyes were at the same level. "Your strong, Lili" He whispered, kissing her nose softly as he wrapped an arm around her. They rested their foreheads against eachother before Lili finally whispering, "I love you, Cole, Goodnight" She said with a smile. He smiled back, "I love you more" He whispered back before falling asleep.

Cole woke up the next day, looking down at the peaceful blonde. He smiled softly, taking in her beauty before waking her up. "Lils...Wake up we have to shoot today" He said as he lightly shook her. She nodded, yawning as she got up and went into the shower to get herself ready. She didn't bother with makeup or hair because they would be doing it on set.

   Lili sat in her chair at the makeup and hair counter, Cole standing behind her and taking photos of her as the stylist pulled her hair into the iconic tight ponytail. She giggled as she watched Cole dance in the background and dropping low to the ground. She laughed, "You dork" She said as she zoomed in on his face as she recorded him. She started recording him again, this time the camera recording herself as he came up neck to her and licked her face. "Ew! Cole your so gross" She yelled as she wiped her face before the makeup artist began doing her makeup. "Can you do a little smokey eye" Cole said to the artist in his best girl impression. The stylist rolled her eyes and chose to ignore him, "How do you handle this guy?" The stylist said to Lili. Lili shrugged, "I don't know, He just randomly started talking to me. I think his name is Dylan" She teased, making the stylist laugh. "Oooh~ Dylan Sprouse is one hottie" Ths stylist laughed as Cole frowned, glaring at the two girls who began talking about Dylan. The stylist walked out of the room, "I forgot your lipstick! i'll be back" She said as she walked out. Cole turned Lili to face him, glaring daggers at her before kissing her passionately. Lili laughed and kissed back before breaking away, "Oh...What was that about hm?" She smirked. "Too prove to you that i'm hot" He said before walking out and onto set.

   The finished shooting the scene where Betty meets Chuck at Pops, deciding to call it a night around 10pm. The group went to the changing rooms, getting into their normal clothes before walking out. "Want to grab a bite to eat everyone? My treat" Lili said with a smile, everyone nodding. "We could go to the new sushi restaurant that just opened up" Lili added with a smile. "Isn't that a little expensive, Lils?" Cole said worriedly, She shook her head. "Nope don't worry! Let's go!" Lili said excitedly as they got into the car.


Y'all !!! there ya go !!! also i started a bughead fanfic ! its called "Spare Tires" ! Pls give it a read !

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