chapter 4;

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•— 3rd person pov —•

"Cut!" The director yelled as we finished up the shoot for episode 6. Lili walked off set and sat down in the booth with KJ. "So you and Cole are seeing eachother hm?" He said with a smirk, making her role her eyes. "Well...No. Maybe. I don't know just shut up" She said with a groan. Cole and Camila joined them a few minutes later, Cole sitting down with Lili and wrapping his arm around her. "Yeah, Totally not dating" KJ mumbled, earning a slap on the arm from Lili. Cole chuckled, whispering into her ear "You don't want them knowing about our little thing, baby?". Lili blushed and quickly got up, walking away. Cole laughed with a smirk before turning to KJ who was laughing, "What's so funny?" Cole asked as he cocked his eyebrow. KJ shrugged, walking off with a snickering Camila.

   The group had gone back to they're shared villa, deciding to take a trip into the hot tub and chat. Camila and Lili were telling a story about how a barista was flirting with them and how Lili had stepped in a pretended to be dating Camila. "Nice save" Cole laughed. Camila smirked, "Yep, and she's all mine!" She said devilishly, grabbing Lili and kissing her on the cheek multiple times. Cole frowned and quickly grabbed Lili, Kissing her other cheek. Lili just smiled, ignoring the two fighting over her before looking at KJ "Hey wanna go watch a movie, KJ?" Lili asked as she stood up and got out of the hot tub. KJ cocked his eyebrows before nodding, the two walking inside to get changed and lay out on the couch.

   "If you break her heart, Sprouse, I'll kill ya'" Camila said, half joking making  Cole roll his eyes. He nodded "I know, i know. I won't though, don't worry. Frankly she's the one breaking my heart. How dare she go watch a movie with a guy she's not interested in!" He said dramatically. "Or maybe she is interested in him" Camila said with a smirk before drying off and going inside, Cole quickly joining the group inside after getting changed.

   The group soon decided to get some rest, having a meeting early tomorrow morning. Lili found herself not being able to sleep. She checked the time, "12:35am" She groaned before slowly standing up and walking to Coles room. She lightly tapped on the door, hearing a lazy "Come in" from Cole. "I can't sleep..." She said as she walked in and slid down the door, rubbing her eyes as she was greeted by the smell of cologne and cigarettes. She was used to it and frankly, she was comforted by it. "Come hang out with me, i'm doing nothing important. Usual" He chuckled as he opened his arms for her to crawl into, She happily doing so as he pulled her closer. He cradled her, Lili cuddling into the crook of his neck and breathing in his scent. She looked up at him, watching him run his hands through her hair compulsively. "You okay...? Its pretty late i'm surprised your still up" She whispered softly as he looked back down at her, shrugging. "Don't know, Just happens i guess" He sighed deeply, closing his eyes before turning the light off and laying down. He pulled her close to his chest, cuddling into her hair. She smiled and cuddled close to him, looking up at him as they're two noses brushed against eachother making her giggle. He smiled and kissed her softly before falling asleep.

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