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still Kendalls POV

I just said hi to justin who already made himself comfortable on my cough like is that even respect i mean for me its not

And then i went to the kitchen with my morning happiness that i only got today well im just me living life you know.

"so you just say hi and then leave now" i head a person say i know its justin who is starting to provoce me.

"well if thats what you want the Varsågod" i replie not even looking at me he disgusts me i dont know what happened to me

"umm excuse me little swedish girl what did you just say?" he replied thinking he was funny woow he knows how to embarrase himself

"well thats for me to know and for you to find out" i said and took my plate and wanted to walk out the kitchen

when he grabbed my habd and tossed my food to the ground.What is he even doing doesnt he now that i pay for that food

"well whats with the attitude?" he ask "well if there is someone with attitude its probably you" i answer him with a big smile on my face.

"well im not the one answering back when someone is speaking" he said "well im not the one tossing someones food to the floor" i reply with even more attitude that i had earlier on

Justins Pov

She got attitude and i dont like it i want her to follow everything i say."By the way we are getting married in one week" i said "but you did not even ask i didnt say yes you never gave me the ring i dont have it on my finger and you never went on your knees i did not cry for happiness so no we are not getting married, if my mum asks say i said so" she said

I got angry and punched her in the stomach. She moved away to spit out blood but theb she got up.

"you are not gonna hit me anymore justin" she said with tha lazy voice like i care blah blah blah

"oh you think so you are not gonna tell me what to do darling" i say and try to punch her while she slaps me in the face.

I must addmit it really hurt she slaps hard for a 16 year old girl "oh someone decided to defend herself for once" i said


"Well look who is speaking" i say and slap her in the face but she gets angry and she kicked me in between my legs.

"JA DIN TÖNT JAG SA ATT JAG SKULLE HÄMNAS FÖR DET DU GJORT MOT MIG, OCH EN SAK TILL JAG ÖNSKA ATT DU HAR INGA BARN I FÖRRE TID, JÄVLA IDIOT DU ÄCKLAR MIG!!!" she shouted in swedish but i understood even though i was kinda uncounsious on the floor

"JÄVLA HORA" i said back "oh jag är en hora vet du vad är roligt det är att jag har inte ens leggas med din pappa och du kalla mig för hora" she said.

Kendalls POV

I really dont know where i got that strength from but i defended myself and now im hiding in the room locked up

trying to get oscar when i finally did i told him what happened he was happy and sad.

He said he was going to come and in 5 minutes i hear a knock on the window of my room  i look and see oscar

"really window" i say to him while i oppen i still had blood in my mouth and nose and it was disgusting

When oscar came in he wanted to grab me into a kiss but i pushed him away

"no oscar i have blood all over my face" i say

"well i dont care" he said "but seriously i have to wash my face first" i say and go to the bathroom.

When i was done i cane back and kissed him as i never ever did, but then justin knocked on the door

and i rememver that he was stil there so i stopped and looked at oscar "oscar justin is still there" i say

"so what" he sais "if he gets in he is gonna kill us both" i say "okay then run with me?" he said

"what do you mean?" i asked "like come with me and we will never come back here again please?" he said

I just did not know what to answer i love him but there is my mum and justin which i dont really care about now.

"oscar thats a bit to far and too much for me at my age to move in with my not even officially boyfriend" i said unsure if i should do it.

"come on" he said "Oppen thw fucking door or else if i unlocke it  im gonna fuck you up missi"  we heard justin say

"okay oscar i will run with you let me just take my clothes" i said right when i was about to fetch my clothes he grabbed my hand

and pulled me back "we will go shopping when ever you want but just go with me and lets see where love takes us" he said

"you mean life" i said "no love" he said which made me happy.

Then we went and he jumped down the window and asked me to jump and he is gonna catch me, im scared of hights.

"okay 1,2,3" i said to myself and let goI land in oscars arms as planned and we ran to some place.


PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE.Yes i updated again just because someone told me that she does a happy dance.

and because you guys are awsome


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