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Oscars POV

She planted that little kiss and the ran away "COME ON KENDALL WHY??" i said and she burts out laughing from diwn stairs.

I went down and she started running away but as fast as i am i cought her.

"you think you can run away from me" i said

She didnt answer but she just ran in the room abd i came after her and locked the door behind me.

"come here" i said and she walked towards me but is hesitating in the sane time.

Kendalls POV

When oscar closed the door i got scared because i knew what he was thinking  about when he did that.

"come here" he said and i went to him but hesitating in the same time.When i got a bit near him i stopped walking.

He realised that i stoped and he pulle me towards him with his hand and the put his hand on my waist and this time he kissed me.

"dont tease, you will always get caught" he said and i just smiled and he continued kissing me and the kiss got more intensive.

He then pushed me on the bed and took his shirt off, "Ive never seen that much six pack in my life" i said

"i train for you" he said after that his eyes turned dark green and the outline of his eyes became dark like a girl that puted eye liner.But it was scary at the same time.

He then came on top of me and kissed me the kiss was intensive and then he kissed down my neck and chest.

When he saw that my shirt was on he pulled it of and i let him i dont know why but i felt wrong and i am not ready for this.

I wanted to tell him to stop but i wanted to see how far he will go, he then went back to my neck and kissed me on the same part that i have a red mark on and it hurted a little because he sucked it.

When i wanted to speak because it hurted he kissed me so that i dont say anything and the hus hands were slowly going down my body and he stopped at my pants and he openned the buttons.

He unzipped it and pull it down, he then started kissing my chest down to my stomach and he stated sliding his hands under my back and tried to take of my bra.

But at that point his eyes got more greener and i guess at that point he cant control himself and i was scared of him.

when his hands reached my bra i was even more scared and i knew that its not gonna work.

"oscar please stop" i said with tears in my eyes without letting them out.

In some way oscar understood that i was not ready "im sorry i,lost control, i dont want to hurt you" he said and gets of me and lays down "no oscar its okay im the one who is stupid i dont know what is going on with me" i said and this time i cried.

He took my head and put it on his chest and we layed like that.

"its okay dont worry" oscar said and i dont know why i think he is angry.

"you probably hate me right now" i said "acctually yes i hate you for letting me go that far i mean if you felt it was wrong you should have told me before" he said.

I just layed on him and then there was water all over his chest.

Oscars POV

I felt water running on my chest and i understood that she was crying "why are you crying?" i asked "how do you know that im crying" she asked.

"i feel the water on my chest" i answer.

"are you angry oscar?" she asked "NO" i answered.

But the truth is that i am angry at myself because it my job to ask if she was ready WTF was i thinking.

"come we are gonna go to me and the boys house we have a house together we can stay there for the night its kinda boring here" i said and she stood up and took her clothes and went out and i followed after her.



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