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Oscars POV

We ran until we were at the studio it was not so far from her house anyway but we were lucky that justin did not follow.

So we got in the studio and everyone was sitting there,"looks like people were waiting for ya" kendal sais and the starts laughing

for herself."Oscar vi måste prata" katia said, she is like the mom around "om vad eller vad och vem handlar det om?" i asked her.

"det får du veta när vi börjar prata, så va snäll och följ med mig nu" katia said and then she went up.

I acctually followed her and we went into her office and she shut the door really hard that my ears were almost bleeding.

"berätta först vart du har varit och vad gjorde du, och varför stack du igår utan att svara på min fråga?" she said

"okay jag var hos kendall och du vill inte veta vad vi gjorde igår men idag räddade jag hennes liv från en monster, jag stack igår utan att svara för att hon ringde mig mer ska du inte veta" i said and gave her a smile.

"Men oscar du kan för fan inte går utan att säga till" she said ireally did not care at all

"jag vet men jag sa till killarna ju" i said

"ok ok vem är tjejen?" she asked "varför vill du veta?" i asked "bara för att hon är söt" she said.

"hon är en kompis och för resten jag har inte skaffat en tjej" i said and went out.

Kendalls POV

I was standing behind soffa because i did not want to sit.I dont know why but something was funny and dont ask why.

I was standing when oscar came down with katia at the back of her and they all sat down starring at me.

"what? do i have something on my face?....oh okay i know im beautiful but you dont need to stare. i said i did not know

how that cane out but it just did.They all started laughing at what i just said.

"come sit down" someone said to me i look and it was daff.I went to sit diwn where there was space and shut my mouth.

"okay so tell us 10 thing about yourself" katia said.I hate that question cause they will get bored i speak to much.

"umm well if you get bored dont blame me just know that i warned you about boringness if thats even a word

1.My full name is Kendal Alicia Bella Sandberg

2.I hate animals.

3.i am scared of dogs.

4.My parents are divorced

5.I am 16 and live alone.

6.i was born and raised in göteborg

7.people say im funny but i dont think so.

8.i am weird atleast i know that.

9.i am 1.73 meter och whatever long.

10.i love everyone." i said and kept quite.

"high five" omar said and we did a high five "what was that for" i ask "för att du är göteborgsk if thats a word" he answeres.

I look around and see gow big the place was bigger than my head."describe yourself with one word?" omar said.

"stupid" i said, aaaaand i just embarrased myself in front of sveriges kändisar hurray for me.

"why stupid i mean no one her thinks you are stupid" oscar said.Then i look seriously at him and answered

"thats the point i am the one that thinks so" "okay then describe us with one word" felix said.

"Oscar is hot, Omar is funny, Ogge is the best dancer, felix is a naughty boy, katia is fab and daff is serious" i answered

"what is the relationship between you and oscar?"

daff asked seriously

"no more questions now i think im gonna take you home kendall come on lets go" oscar said and took my hand and i said bye to all of them and we went out.

Thank you guys so much for reading please comment and vote


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