Chapter 1: I'm A Walking Travesty

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Chapter Title Credit: Therapy by All Time Low

TRIGGER WARNING: Attempted suicide and Self-Harm
Stay Safe <3

Third Person's P.O.V

"Did you take your medicine?" was the question asked to Gerard every morning in the same cold and monotonous tone. This morning would be no different; yet the words still caused anger to boil under his skin.

Gerard stormed past the kitchen, not bothering to force a reply to his mother even when she yelled after him-as per usual.

He slammed the front door with a little extra force than he usually did however, letting his actions speak for him.

Fuck her.

Escaping into the crisp air outside, Gerard took a deep breath to calm himself as he untangled his earbuds.

A shiver wrecked his whole body but he refused to go back inside for something warmer.
He couldn't handle her this morning.

Instead, he popped a headphone in each ear and pressed play on his favorite playlist.

Each step towards the bus stop was agonizing and for a moment he seriously questioned why he hadn't dropped out of school altogether yet.

Gerard was a mistake.
Gerard was unwanted.
Gerard was worthless.
Gerard wasn't attractive.

He knew he didn't belong and the other kids knew it also; They were predators and once they catch the scent of blood, they never stop attacking.

His younger brother, Mikey, had already left the house a few minutes before Gerard did.
This was the normal routine; Mikey often avoided Gerard as much as possible.

His brother hated him.

Which is why Gerard was so incredibly puzzled as to why Mikey had saved his pathetic life.


Gerard's day was a bit rougher than it usually was. He took a number of hits that left him with a nose bleed and bruises that would surely get worse later. He had decided to leave the school and go to the only place that brought little happiness to his grey world: the cemetery.

Gerard spent hours just sitting against his Grandmother Helena's tombstone; allowing his feelings to flow onto the page of his sketchbook.

He was so engrossed by the way the pencil moved, that he hadn't noticed the time passing at an alarming rate; that is, until the sun began to set and it was gradually becoming harder to see.

He hastily stuffed his sketchbook in his bag and scrambled to his feet. His mother would kill him for being out late...and for skipping half a day of school.

He walked as fast as he could, anxiety fuelling imaginary scenarios in his head.

The tightness in his chest eased as he reached his house only to find his mother's car was missing from the driveway.

He stepped over the threshold, relieved by the warmth that thawed the ice in his bones.

He tossed his bag next to the shoe rack by the door, shuffling further into the house, "Gerard?" a familiar voice called. Gerard looked up curiously to find his little brother quickly standing from his spot on the couch, marching towards him in an angry fashion, "Where the hell have you been?" he demanded, crossing his scrawny arms over his chest.

Gerard's eyebrows furrowed together as he replied, "With Grandma?"

"Great, just fucking great!" Mikey muttered, pulling his phone out from his back pocket. He scrolled through his contacts and hit the call button as Gerard watched confused, not knowing what was going on, "Mom? Yeah, he's here. Pssh, the cemetery... I know. Yeah, alright. Bye, Mom," he huffed, hanging up, "You're in deep shit," he announced, tucking his phone back in his jeans pocket.

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