Chapter 25:We'll Meet Again

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-Chapter Title Credits:Helena by MCR-


Gerard ran from the room,shoving every person who tried to grab him.

"He's already gone Gerard!"He heard his mother yell after him.

NO NO NO NO NO.He couldn't believe that.

She's lieing.

She had to be.

He jumped into his moms car ripping open the glovebox and slamming the spare keys into the ignition.

The car rawred to life as people shouted trying to stop him.

He didn't have any time of license but he didnt care.

He peeled from the parking lot and drove threw every red light.


He screeched to a stop outside of his house and ran without bothering to turn the car off.

"FRANK!!!!'He screamed throwing the front door open.

His heart dropped when there was no response.

"FRANK!!!"He screamed louder running to the basement.

He collapsed onto his knees as he reached the bottom.

Franks belongings where gone and the short boy was no where to be seen.

Gerard broke.

All he could do was scream his name in repeat as tears poured from his eyes.


Gerard groaned and winced as pain shot throughout his raw throat.


Gerard tried to sit up only to find himself restrained.

He was strapped down to a hospital bed.

Franks gone.Oh my god they took Frank away from me.

Gerard sobbed hysterically realizing he would never be able to see Franks beautiful face again.

He would never get to hold and comfort him again.

He would never get to tell him he loved him again.


Frank woke up in solitude.

He fought so hard the people ended up having to sedate him.

He had to get back to Gerard.

How could Donna do this?

Gerard needed Frank.

And Frank was nothing without the strange boy with fire engine red hair.

-Short and sad.Sorry.Im trying to decide if I want to end it here and start a sequel or continue.What Do You Think?-ChemicalSkeleton

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