Chapter 18:Your Falling In Love

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-Chapter Title Credits:Falling In Love Will Kill You by Wrongchilde Ft.Gerard Way-

(Gah Gerards part in that song kills me every time!)

"Frankie,"A soft voice whispered.

Frank made a noise of disapproval and cuddle closer to the object he was sleeping next to.

A hand rubbed soothing circles in his back making him sigh and tuck his face into Gerards shirt.

"You have to wake up Frankie.Im sorry."Gerard voice sighed.

Frank groaned and shook his head,pressing his face even harder into Gerards chest.

"Don't make me go...please..."Frank whispered weakly.

Gerard gently pulled the small boys head up and his eyes fluttered open.

Gerard frowned seeing the salty tears already building in Franks tired eyes.

"What have people been doing to you at school?"Gerard asked brushing Franks fringe out of his face.

"I will tell you....everything...just-just don't make me go there today."Frank pleaded.

Gerard hesitated before nodding.

"Okay Frankie.Okay."

Frank flung his arms around Gerard and they sat there holding each other for 30 minuets.

Mikey didnt come to the door like normal to get them up for school which Frank thought was odd but didnt have the strength to question it.

"We can't stay here.My mom is going to have a fit."Gerard finally broke the silence.

"We could go to the Cemetery?"Frank offered looking up into Gerards eyes.

Normally they were a golden hazel color,but that was not the case today.

Today the green in them stood out vibrantly.

Frank was stunned by his beauty....that is until Gerard shifted uncomfortably and asked,"Why are you staring at me?"

Frank felt heat rush to his cheeks and he quickly dropped his head back onto Gerards chest,praying he hadn't seen the rosy tint.

But he had.

"AWWW Frankie your blushing!"Gerard giggled-fucking giggled- and tried to lift Frank head up like he had earlier.

"Stop,"Frank chuckled becoming more embarrassed than he ever had in his entire life.

Gerard didn't listen.

Instead he began to tickle the him.

"STOP!GEE!"Frank laughed trying to squirm away but to no avail.

His face was probably as red as Gerards hair by this point.

"Tell me why you were staring."Gerard responded chuckling.

"S-stop o-ok-kay!I WAS TH-THINK YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!"Frank managed inbetween laughs.

Gerard stopped and stared down at Franks flushed face.

Frank felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

"You think im beautiful?"Gerard whispered almost in shock.

Frank nodded furiously,"Of course I do."

Frank reached up,tucked a loose strand of fire engine red hair behind Gerards ear and smiled.

Gerard leaned down and suddenly Frank found their lips molding together as they had the night before.

Frank hummed in content as Gerards hands cupped his cheeks deepening the kiss.

When they pulled apart breathing hard,their foreheads rest against each other as they stared into each others eyes.

Frank felt that strange feeling occurring once again in his stomach.

"I love you."Frank breathed causing the biggest smile he's ever seen spread on Gerard face.

"I love you too Frankie."

After a few more minuets of small pecks,they climbed out of the bunk.

Gerard nursed Frank wounds from the day prior and wrapped them in fresh bandages before leaving to allow him to change.

Frank tugged on his favorite pair of jeans,his converse and pulled on a random band shirt that was covered by Gerards baggy black hoodie.

Gerard's eyebrow raised as Frank appeared back in the basement where Gerard had changed into a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top with his boots on.

"What?"Frank asked smiling innocently.

Gerard just chuckled and shook his head,taking his eyes off of his hoodie that was on Franks small frame.

"I have $20 so we can stop by Starbucks and get breakfast."Gerard said as they exited the house.

Frank just nodded.

He hadn't eaten in a few days now that he thought about it.

They arrived at Starbucks within 10 minuets of walking and talking about comic books.

Gerard ordered his black coffee and made the cutest disgusted face when Frank asked for two sugars in his coffee.

They shared some random pastry thing that looked suspiciously like a oversized doughnut as they talked about anything and everything.

Accept for deep personal things.

That was a conversation for when they were alone.

They were having a debate over which was better:Cats or Dogs,when the small bell on the door rang signaling somebody arriving.

Gerard and Frank looked up automatically and froze.

"Holy shit..."Frank whispered staring at the two people who had walked threw the door of Starbucks giggling and holding hands.

"Holy Shit."Gerard echoed in shock.

-DON DON DONNNNNNNNNNN.Who do you think it is? *this is not the big plot twist I warn u all about,this is a minor plot twist* Comment and let me know what you think. -ChemicalSkeleton

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