Chapter 16:Surrender Every Dream

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 -Chapter Title Credits:Surrender The Night By MCR-

 Something soft and warm brushed against Franks hand,but he couldn't see properly anymore.

The whole world had turned sideways making him feel as if he was going to go sliding off of the edge of the earth itself.

So this is how it felt  to die.

Franks eyes had slipped shut,not that it made a difference.

The world felt like it had collapsed from under him and he was being sent tumbling into darkness.

Though he was falling through nothingness feeling mostly numb,he lightly felt something on his left arm,as if someone had covered it in a sheet.

Shivers wracked throughout his small body so violently it felt as if he had been buried in ice wearing nothing but his boxers.

His veins in his left arm stung with such intensity he distantly felt a tear drip down his cheek.

The same warm,soft sensation that had occurred to his hand moments before he had begun falling into darkness occurred again,only this time he felt it brush lightly against his cheek.

He wanted to lean into it and have it make the cold go away.

Frank thought he heard what sounded like a voice from above,but he was falling helplessly with wind roaring up towards him viciously.

He wasnt aware how long he had been falling,but soon the wind softened slowing him down until he was simply drifting like a leaf in the spring wind.

His suspicions of a voice was confirmed as a painfully familiar voice whispered,"Frankie,"

Frank looked around wildly but of course dont see a damn thing.

"Gee?"He didnt feel his lips move to say the word but his voice still echoed around him as if he was in a cave.

"Frankie can you hear me?"

"Gerard?where are you?!"Frank called out desperately.


Frank let out a scream so loud it made his throat raw.

He was falling again,but faster than before.

Was he destined to fall through darkness cold,alone and oh so scared for the rest of eternity?

Because it felt as if this nightmare was never going to end.

The feeling made his mind retreat to darker thoughts,remembering the times he had felt scared and alone throughout his childhood.

Much to Franks horror the ground came into view.

He braced himself,hoping that this would mean everything was finally over.

He landed with a thud.

Frank was disoriented for a moment,looking around him with wide dazed owlish eyes.

Fear clawed at his throat making it hard to swallow as he found himself in his bedroom.

Not the basement with Gerard and the comfortable bunk bed with the soothing darkness.

The room Frank had grown up in,literally all his life.

Franks eyes continued to scan the room,avoiding looking towards the area that haunted him for years.

As if on a cue sent by the devil himself,Frank heard the sudden sound of somebody running up the stairs.

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