Chapter 13:Your Beautiful To Me

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-Chapter Title Credits:The World Is Ugly By MCR-

Frank didn't have one of those fan-fiction moments where he drifted into to consciousness and couldn't recall what had happened.

He wished he did.

He wished he could have just laid there comfortably as the memories slowly unraveled.

But of course that's not how it happened.

Frank immediately knew what had occurred as he awoke with a start.

He looked around wide-eyed.

He was expecting to be in the nurses office or if it was a serious blow,the hospital.

But one again that was not the case.

He found himself in the dark safety of the basement of the Way household.

He relaxed slightly,his shoulders stayed tense however.

Frank,wrapped in a warm sheet,slowly descended the top bunk and look for any sign of another being in the room with him.

He was alone.

A internal battle erupted within him over whether he should go upstairs or simply crawl back in bed.

You can't hide down here forever dipshit.The voice in his head snapped.

He sighed in defeat and began to shuffle up the stairs.

He hesitated,giving himself time to back out,with his hand resting on the door knob.

With another sigh,he swung the door opened and quietly padded to the living room where the sound of two people talking came from.

Frank poked his head into the living room to see if it was safe for him to enter or not.

Ms.Way was sitting on the couch with Mikey discussing some project he had for Chemistry with their backs turned to him.

His eyes took in the sight of Gerard.

He was the only one facing him.

But he wasn't looking up.

He was curled up in almost a fetal position in the arm chair,staring down at the grey carpeted floor.

Franks frown became more prominent as he saw Gerard sneakily reach a hand up to his eyes,whipping away a tiny tear before the others could notice.

As Frank opened his mouth to say something,a shiver shot up his spine causing him to pull the sheet around him tighter.

The small movement was enough to catch Gerard's attention and his head snapped up.

Their eyes locked.

The look of relief and guilt flooded Gerard's teary eyes.

Without  a word,Gerard climbed to his feet.

Mikey nor Ms.Way paid him any attention as he left the living room.

He silently took a hold on Franks wrist and lead him back to the basement.

 As they reached the bottom of the stairs,Frank turned to face Gerard with a worried expression.

To his horror,another tear had escaped Gerards eyes.

Frank reached up and gently smoothed his thumb over his cheek bone,wiping away the stray tear.

Gerard made a choked sound and flung his arms around Frank.

Frank hugged him back,allowing Gerard to snuggle his face into Franks shoulder.

"Its all my fault."Gerard sobbed clutching onto Franks shirt.

That's when it dawned on Frank.

Gerard was blaming himself for Frank getting in a fight.

"Ssshhh.Its not your fault Gee."

"I-It is.Its a-all m-my fault.I-I'm sorry Frankie."

Frank pulled away slightly so  he could look into Gerard pain filled eyes.

"Now you listen to me Gerard Way.It is not your fault.It is not your fault the kids are dicks.It is not your fault that I decided to stand up to them-and I don't regret it.I would do it all again in a heart beat.Its not your fault the world is ugly,"Frank once again placed a  hand to Gerard's cheek and brushed the tears away.

Gerard leaned into Franks palm as more salty tears escaped his eyes.

"Your beautiful to me.Your worth standing up for.Nobody should be treated the way they treat you."Frank whispered.

At that moment,Frank realized how much he wanted to stand on his tippy-toes and press his lips against Gerard's soft pink ones.

But he never got to.

Because of course,at that exact moment there was a knock on the basement door.


-Hey sorry I have been really lacking with updates.I'm also sorry this is short.Chapter 14 is going to be longer if that makes you feel better. c:  PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS.I ask that all the time because I really love getting them.If I don't get comments I feel like nobody cares so....LEAVE COMMENTS.-ChemicalSkeleton

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