Chapter 11:Somebody Get Me Through This Nightmare

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-Chapter Tittle Credits:Animal I Have Become By Three Days Grace-

Frank could feel the hands the hands clutching onto his hips,digging their fingernails into his skin making even more tears flood his face.

He felt like he was going to drown in all his salty tears as the pain struck again causing him to cry out and claw at the wall.

"Dad please stop,"He choked out not daring to look back at his father,knowing it would make things worse.

"SHUT UP."Another slam of pain and another cry from the young defenseless boy.

Frank forced his loud wailing to become small broken sobs as he stared at the wall before him with a dull blurry vision.

He tried to focus on all the scratch marks permanently damaging the light blue paint.

Some were newer marks,some 3 years old.


Frank bolted upright with a small cry.

He blinked rapidly looking around panicked.


Gerard shivered,wrapping his arms around himself in a attempt to keep warm.His hazel eyes drifted up to the grey sky.

The sky wasnt the only grey colored thing around.

The whole world had turned grey and cold.

He let out a small unsteady breath and watched as it came out in icy smoke.

Spinning in a circle he observed his surroundings.

He was in his beloved cemetery.

A invisible force willed him to make his way to his Grandma's grave and slowly he shuffled through the snow blanketing the ground.

He was stunned when he reached her grave only to find the headstone was completely blank.

Before he could inspect further a hand was delicately placed on his shoulder.

He turned,confused.

His heart turned to ice before shattering.

Helena smiled at him lovingly.

"G-Grandma?"Gerard whispered in awe.

She smiled wider and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Gerard,"Her voice rang out crystal clear,just as Gerard had remembered only younger.She was younger,happier.

Her carefree face immediately changed to one filled with trouble and pain as she staggered backwards away from Gerard.

"Grandma!"Gerard rushed forward to help her,but she doubled over,clutching onto a headstone and using her other hand to signal for him to stay back.

"Cant you hear him?"She spoke softly sounding as if she might cry.

"Who?"Gerard asked stepping forward again wishing she would just let him help her.

"He's so sad,"The sound of distressed crying began to become clear,swirling in the winter air around them.

"He's broken Gerard....just like you."His eyes once again locked with his grandmothers.

"Go to him,"She demanded wincing in pain.

The crying had become completely clear.

The sound was so heartbreaking it made Gerard want to curl up in a dark corner and cry his soul out.

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