Chapter 19:Isn't That Something?

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-Chapter Title Credits:Isn't That Something by Ray Toro-

The laughter coming from the two boys seemed to stun Frank and Gerard even more.

They were frozen watching as a boy with a crazy curly fro and a painfully familiar boy strolled up to the register to place their orders.

They seemed to be in deep conversation and the boy with dyed blonde hair laughed at something the boy with the fro had said.

Gerards mouth dropped open when they linked their hands together and the blonde haired boy tugged the fro into a booth nearby,with their orders in hand.

Frank locked eyes with Gerard once again as they both said in union,"Holy Shit."

They said it louder than meant however,and the dyed blonde stiffened immediately before slowly turning in their direction.

The three looked at each other awkwardly..

"...Hi Mikey..."Frank managed.

"Uh...Hi..guys...."He muttered nervously,glancing at the boy with the fro.

"Hey your Mikeys brother Gerard right?"The boy asked Gerard with a friendly smile.

Gerard nodded clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

Mikey coughed and scratched the back of his neck.

Gerard cocked a eyebrow at him.

" is Ray...."Mikey said trying to snap himself into reality.

"My uh Boyfriend."Mikey added after a moment of silence during which Gerard had stared at him

Gerard wasn't....happy nor was he mad.

He was totally fine with the gay thing....but Mikey had tormented him for years for being gay.

"Its nice to meet you Ray."Gerard managed forcing a small smile.

"Wheres your bookbag?"Mikey asked suddenly changing the subject.

Frank glanced at Gerard.

"Were not going to school."Frank sighed finally.

Mikey nodded expecting that answering.

"Ray...we should go.Were going to be late...uh see you guys later.."Mikey said quickly getting to his feet.

Ray opened his mouth to whine about how they had just got there but Mikey shot him a sharp look and he got up quickly.

"Nice to meet you Gerard and...uh..."


"Frank.See you guys around."Ray smiled nearly getting dragged out of Starbucks by Mikey who had a pink tint to his cheeks.

Frank looked at Gerard and their eyes locked before they burst into a giggle fit.

"Isn't that something?I never saw that coming."Frank looked at the door they had exited from only seconds ago.

"Me either.He use to pick on me for being gay and now here he is with a boyfriend."

Frank just chuckled and drained the rest of his coffee.

"We should go before anyone else shows up."Gerard said and Frank agreed.

The walk to the cemetery was quiet for the most part and Frank ended up lost in his thoughts as they walked.

Frank knew he promised to tell Gerard everything,but he regretted it.

He didnt want Gerard to know how fucked up he really was.

What if Gerard decided he wasn't worth the trouble and turned his back on him?

Frank couldn't handle the thought of it.

The day he looses Gerard is the day he will bring his life to a end.

Frank had been so wrapped up in his thoughts he didnt realize the light had turned red and he stepped off the curb.

"Frank!"A arm shot out and yanked the short boy back just as a navy blue truck whirled past.

Frank fell back against Gerards chest with a gasp.

"Oh my god are you okay?"Gerard asked frantically turning Frank to face him.

Physically,Frank was fine.

He didnt get hit at all.

Emotionally:He was fucked.

He once again found memories swirling around his mind.

Navy blue truck.

His navy blue truck.

The one he tried to run Frank over with about a month ago.

He didn't think the one that had drove by was his dads,it was far to clean,but the fear had clouded his brain and he clutched onto the nearest thing as if it would keep him grounded.

The nearest thing just so happened to be Gerard.

"Ssshhh your okay Frankie,"Gerard whispered hugging him protectively.

Frank was trembling again.He hated it but there was nothing he could do about it because it was a panic attack.

The memories pounded at his head causing a few tears to break free.

Suddenly the pain of the memories became to much and he didnt regret agreeing to tell Gerard everything.

"C'mon."Frank whispered linking his fingers with Gerards pale slender ones and tugging him across then now empty street into the cemetery.

If he didn't tell somebody,it was going to kill him.

-Another short chapter sorry dont kill me.So...Mikey huh?Did you see that coming? Comments :D -ChemicalSkeleton

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