Chapter 24:Tragic Affair

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-Chapter Title Credits:The End by MCR-

The next two days Frank and Gerard stayed locked in the safety of the basement living off of the numerous snacks Gerard had stashed in the room.

But eventually there was a knock on the basement door followed by,"Gerard?Your drug test is in.We have to go see Dr.Lincoln."

"Shit...IM NOT GOING."Gerard yelled.

"YES YOU ARE.You dont have a choice.You might not have to go anymore after today."

Gerard looked stunned.

"Really?"He asked disbelievingly.

"Yes."Came the exasperated sigh.

Frank squeezed Gerards hand.

"You'll be okay Gee.I'll be waiting right here for you when you get back."

Gerard smiled and leaned down placing as kiss on his soft pink lips.

"I love you."Gerard whispered pulling back to study Franks angelic face.

"I love you too."

Gerard shrugged on his red leather jacket and disappeared up the stairs.


"Have a seat Gerard."Dr.Lincoln waved towards the chair Gerard normally sat in.

Gerard did as told and stared at him.

"You test results came back clean.Their not suppose to.You havn't been taking your medication."

Gerard remained emotionless.

Dr.Lincoln leaned forward,lacing his fingers together.


The word seemed to hang dangerously in the air.

"Because im not crazy,"

"Your not,"He agreed."Your just sick.You have a disorder but taking medication will help you control it."

Gerard answered slowly,"Maybe....I don't want to control it through drugs."

"Your mother has something she wishes to discuss with you."He waved a hand at Donna who had been seat by the doctor.

Gerards attention shifted to her,daring her to say something to piss him off.

But the words the tumbled out of her mouth were Gerards worst nightmare.

The words broke him in ways unimaginable.

He felt cold and panicked.

It hurt so bad he thought his heart would physically shatter.

"Gerard honey i'v come to the decision that a change has to be made.I saw you kissing Frank twice over the past three days when I looked into your room and you were cuddled together.I refuse to have two homosexuals under the same roof.So with this in mind plus the trouble that has been caused in school iv decided im giving Frank up for foster care."

-Don't kill me.-ChemicalSkeleton.

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