Chapter 15:As We Fade In The Dark

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-CHAPTER WARNINGS:Highly Emotional chapter,TRIGGER WARNING.Stay safe.Keep Yourselves Alive Killjoys.-


Chapter Title Credit:The Light Behind Your Eyes By MCR-(Also thats my song request for this go listen to it on repeat while reading if you can c: )


Frank was out of his seat before Gerard could force out words.

Gerard felt panic bubbles in his chest as Frank ran from the classroom.

Gerard saw his face was bruised and he knew that it meant somebody had hit him.

Gerard snatched the drawing Frank had left on the desk and darted out into the hall looking around frantically for him.

But Frank was gone.

For a short shit,he could run fast as hell.

Gerard looked back at the drawing in his hands,his hazel eyes prickling with tears.

He couldn't stand the thought of Frank wanting to kill himself.

He debated on trying to find him,but he had no idea as to where Frank would go.

He might have just gone to his next class....

The anxiety in Gerards chest kept him distracted in his sixth period Math.

What if Franks trying to off himself at this very moment?If he dies...I will die too.He's the only thing that matters to me.I cant lose him.I love him and If-


Gerards heart clenched and his breathing hitched.

I love him.

Gerards minded was frantic as he replayed the words over and over in his mind,trying to decipher if this was in fact true.

It wasn't hard to figure out the answer.

He loved Frank Anthony Iero.

Gerards eyes darted back to the clock.

He still had 20 minuets left of sixth period.

He had the same seventh period as Frank.

If Frank didn't show up 5 minuets into seventh period,Gerard was leaving to find him.

The drawing was burned into Gerard's mind.

Franks eyes in it were so haunting.

His eyes were hollow.....lifeless.....


That's when a idea hit him.

Gerard hurriedly pulled out two sheets of notebook paper and began working furiously,allowing his red hair to act as a curtain and block out the rest of the world.

*              *                *

Gerard felt relief flood his body as he walked into the music room.

Sitting in the far back corner,head hung but still alive,was Frank.

Gerard felt as if he could breath again as he studied him.

"Take a seat."The teacher Mr.Windsor ordered.

Gerard slid into the desk in the front of the room

Today they had a project due.

They had to create a original song and perform it for the class.

Of course they only had a hour so anybody with the last name z-o was going today.

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