Chapter 12:So What If You Can See The Darkest Side Of Me

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-Chapter Title Credits:Animal I Have Become By Three Days Grace-

The boys were woken from a deep calm much needed sleep to the sound of Ms.Way banging pots in the kitchen.

Gerard groaned as he straightened up feeling stiff.

He stretched before turning to look at Frank.

"You feeling better?"

Frank simply nodded not daring to look into Gerards eyes.

Gerard hesitated.

"I you know about it yo-"

"I dont."Frank muttered hopping off the bed and without another word headed up the stairs.

Gerard slowly followed him up the steps to confront him,but was interrupted before he could even start.

As soon as Frank opened the basement door Ms.Way was calling for them to come have dinner.

Gerard looked at Frank,who glanced at him quickly before allowing Gerard to lead the way to the kitchen.

Ms.Way gasped as her oldest son entered the kitchen.

Gerard was confused at first but quickly realized she hadnt seen the bruises he acquired from school yesterday.

"What happened?"She demanded.

Gerard ignored her and grabbed his plate of food before joining Mikey who had already started eating at the table.

"Do you know what happened?"She pressed turning her gaze to Mikey,

Mikey just shrugged but as soon as she turned away he shot a sharp look to his brother.

Frank followed Gerards movements in silently grabbing a plate of food and sitting down at the table next to him.

"SO.New subject.Would either of you care to explain to me why you didnt go to school today?"Ms.Way turned to look harshly at Gerard and Frank.

Frank felt a small wave of panic begin to rise in him but Gerard cut his mom off before she could continue any further.

"Frank was feeling sick this morning."

Ms.Way wasnt expecting a answer from Gerard so the sound of his voice made her fall into silence.

"Is that true?"She finally asked turning to Frank who nodded timidly.

"Alright...Well theres no point in starting you tomorrow.Frank you can stay home and just start school Monday.Gerard,your going to school.Oh and you didnt take your medication this morning."

Gerard squeezed his eyes shut trying swallow back the sudden rush of emotions.

He hated that she always reminded him of his medication.

He didnt care anymore.


Friday morning Gerard didnt get out of bed.

He once again locked Frank and himself in the basement.

Frank didnt complain however.

He just flashed a small smile and went back to sleep.

Gerard spent the day drawing only leaving the room to use the bathroom and get a cup of coffee.

Neither boy appeared at dinner that night frustrating Ms.Way as she demanded to know from Mikey-who was completely clueless-as to why Gerard hadnt gone to school and was refusing to leave his room.

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