Chapter 14:The Past Ain't Through With You

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-Chapter Title Credits:Kill All Your Friends By MCR-

-NOTE:Alright before you read PLEASE KEEP IN MIND IM NOT TRYING TO SAY GERARD'S MOM,DONNA IS MEAN IN REAL LIFE.Shes probably a very nice lady.This is a story.So I mean no offence to Donna or the Way brothers or anyone.Okay?Okay.READ ON.-

Frank wasn't suspended or even given detention for the incident..

Principle Holland was a pretty cool guy,who let Frank off with a stern warning and the reminder that if anything like it happened again Frank WOULD be suspended and face other consequences.

Ms.Way wasn't very pleased with Franks 'behavior' and he was scolded for a solid hour about how he needed to be responsible so he could have a bright future.

"-You don't need to get into fights is what I'm trying to say."She rambled.

Frank sighed.

He had heard enough.


"Call me Donna please hun.Look I just don't want you getting in trouble and ruining your future over something stupid-"

Frank stood up.

He didn't like to be rude-well at least not to people who hadn't done anything to him.

Frank had to respect the fact she took him in.

He still however was uncomfortable with the fact she had hit Gerard the night Gerard found Frank ready to commit suicide at the cemetery.

But his irritation soon became to much for him.

"It wasn't over something stupid.If you would let me explain to you what happened then you would understand."

She studied him for a moment before waving for him to continue.

He sighed relaxing.

"When we got to school this girl Anna called Gerard a psycho and told me to stay away from him.It started because I defended him.Later during class Anna and I'm guessing her boyfriend threw a piece of paper at me.It was a drawing of Gerard hanging from a tree from a noose and I saw standing on a branch with a noose around my neck about to jump as well.I turned and confronted them about it and then me and the guy got in a fight."Frank Explained.

She sighed.

And then she spoke the words that made Franks heart drop.

"Gerard isn't worth the trouble."

Franks jaw dropped and he starred at her owlishly.

She was Gee's mother for fucks sake.

What the fuck?How could she say that about her own son?

"NOW I know the boy drew you too.So if its about picking on you then yes you have the right to defend yourself.But honestly don't compromise your future just to defend him."

Frank was practically seething with fury.

He could feel heat radiating off his face as he stared at her where she sat on one of the kitchen chairs.

"He's your son."Frank hissed.

She flinched but otherwise did not seem fazed.

"He's a lost cause."

And then Frank said something that could definitely get him kicked out of the house.

"He's not a lost cause.Your just a pathetic excuse of a mother."With that Frank stormed out of the kitchen leaving Donna sitting there in a stunned silence.

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