Chapter 7:Your Heart Can't Take This

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(Chapter Title Credit:Dead! By My Chemical Romance)

Third Person's P.O.V

Neither brother spoke another word to each other in the time it took the annoying yellow bus to screech to a stop infront of the group of high schoolers.

Gerard was naturally the second to last person to climb up the steep bus steps in a rush to get to his seat before kids got any 'bright' ideas.

But before he could dart to seat 7 on the left side,the bus driver blocked his way.

Gerard froze, staring up curiously.

"Maybe getting off your phone and paying attention to where your walking is a good idea. Or if you're trying to kill yourself, do it some other way- and if either of you ignore me calling for you again, you will be walking home for the rest of the year. Do we understand each other?"

Gerard's eyes watered as he averted his gaze and nodded feverishly, wanting this day to just be over already.

"Good."The bus driver grunted plopping back down in the drivers seat.

Gerard made a beeline straight to his seat, managing to sit down before anyone could trip him or pull his pants down...again.

Gerard's eyes traveled to the window, remembering one of the most terrible moments he had experienced.

It was April 9th his freshmen year ;It was an emotionally draining day.

Tomorrow was the anniversary of his dad leaving.

Today, however, was Gerard's birthday- and against his wishes, his name was displayed on the school's morning show just like they do for all of the other students.

His day was filled with rude comments,like normal,and in PE the entire Football team decided to give him his birthday punches.

It wasn't a pleasant sight when they were finished.

But when was he really?

After peeling his bloody body off of the cold tile floors of the locker room,he hid in the library until the final bell of the school day blared informing the high schoolers they were free at last.

He forced the horror book he had been reading back into one of the nearest rows of books,shouldered his bag and exited the library.

Dirty looks were tossed his way, but he ignored them to the best of his ability.

A small ounce of relief flooded his body as his bus came into sight.

Shoving through the crowds of sluts, he managed to reach it at last.

The bus driver didn't even spare him a glance as he climbed the steps.

That was normal.

What wasn't normal however, was the fact that none of the kids that usually gave him a hard time were staring him down.

He tried to shrug the uneasy feeling off as he shuffled down the aisle, allowing his eyes to rake over the letters printed above the seats.

Seat three.

Seat four.

Seat fiv-

The kid in seat five launched himself towards Gerard,the kid in seat across from five doing the same.

They grabbed Gerard's pants and before he could react,they yanked down with all their might.

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