Chapter 3: Do Not Pray For An Easy Life

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Chapter Title Credit:Rise by A Skylit Drive-

Third Person P.O.V

The dinner table was quiet except for the sound of the Way's eating utensils scraping against the plates.

Mikey's eyes had been glued to him the moment he had been dragged out of the basement to eat.

As if he had an appetite.

Gerard pointedly ignored his brother and it seemed even their mother could sense the tension.

"Alright," she cleared her throat, "I, um... I have an announcement."

Mikey instantly focused his attention to their mother and away from Gerard, allowing him to finally relax slightly.

"Remember that patient I was telling you about the other night? That kid named Frank who's around y'all's age?"

Mikey nodded, but Gerard was completely lost- he never paid any attention to her stories unless it was something of actual importance.

"Well, Frank's father is under investigation for child abuse due to some marks found on Frank when he was brought into the hospital when he passed out. Turns out his fainting spell at his school was caused by malnutrition; His father was most likely starving him. Considering what the boy has been through, I don't believe tossing him into the foster system is a good idea. So... over this past week I've made some arrangements for Frank to stay here."

Silence fell over the Way household as their mother awaited their reactions.

Gerard had froze mid bite, looking up for the first time that night.

"He's going to be living with us?" Mikey asked,  stunned.

She nodded, "He should be released in a few days now that he's considered stable. He's a very polite kid. You'll get along great. Now this isn't a 100% permanent placement; If things don't work out then he can be turned over to the foster care system. I know it's sudden but we only just got the final official okay today."

This cannot be happening, His mom had finally lost it.

"Where is he going to sleep?"

"I figured that since Gerard has a bunk bed-" Gerard shot out of his chair as if the table had caught on fire. No way in hell am I sharing a room with a random kid.

"Gerard," she scolded. He only shook his head.

"Your room is big enough for the two of you. The boy doesn't have anywhere else to go!"

Still, Gerard shook his head defiantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

His room was his safe place. 

The one place judgemental eyes couldn't pull him apart piece by piece.

His mother got to her feet as well, "Haven't you destroyed this family enough?! I am trying to do good for all of us. He has no home. You're selfish and you're going to get over yourself. Maybe you can learn some manners from him."

Mikey stood up, joining the standing party, looking pissed. 

But for once it wasn't directed at Gerard.

"Mom, that's not fair. You can't just make Gerard share his room-" Mikey defended.

"He needs to socialize anyway! He never talks to anyone! Not even his own family!"

Gerard let his face go emotionless, a skill that he had gained over the years, "I don't talk to anyone because no one gives a fuck to actually listen. Especially you."

 He spun on his heel and marched out of the front door, remembering to grab a jacket this time, leaving his mom and brother with their jaws on the floor.

Gerard felt a sense of déjà vu as he stopped by his usual store to grab a bottle of Pineapple Vodka, handing the last of his money to the cashier without a word between the two.

Exiting the store, he connected his headphones to his phone and began to walk slowly; The sun had already set, But Gerard preferred the dark anyway.

It burned pineapple as he gulped down the alcohol, wincing at the sensation.

He clutched the glass bottle tightly in his sweaty palm as he hummed his way down the familiar path to the cemetery. 

In the dark, the moonlight lit his path, as well as the few lampposts which shed off a yellow color onto the cracked cement sidewalk. 

It was all quite peaceful, his walk seeming to take longer than usual as he headed to visit his Grandma.

His only other safe place; Nobody could take this from him.

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