Chapter 13

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I held a vigil at my window scanning the forest for any signs of Trevor and Korin. I left the party the festive mood was no longer a priority. My mind was consumed with Korin and what his reaction was when Trevor told him that I'd forgiven him. The sound of glass breaking followed by screaming dragged me away from my post. I rushed down the stairs stopping at doorway of the living room.

"Fuck!" Jules was in the middle of phasing into his wolf.  Some of the guys were trying to calm him down.

"Jules?" All eyes rested on me and silence filled the room.  A sense of foreboding circled around me.

"Celina they got them!" Jules sprinted to me with crazed eyes and I held up my arms stepping back fearful of what he was about to tell me.

"Who got who?" My mind was spinning and my heartbeat sped up. I didn't want to hear the answer.

"Trevor and Korin." Jules voice had lowered as he slowly gave me his answer. I look to the others to gain some confirmation that he was telling me the truth.  The sadness and anger that I saw on their faces was bringing my reality crashing around me. There must be some mistake.

"No-no. You're mistaken" I let out a shaky laugh. "That's not possible.  They are on the grounds talking."

Jace stepped forward, "I'm sorry Celina but Trevor just mindlinked us to tell us they were being taken."

"By who?"


I shook my head side to side violently in disbelief. "Where? Where were they taken?"

"The cliffs."

"Take me there!"

"No I don't think that is a good idea. It's not safe.  We're not sure if..."

"I don't care! I'm going!" I spun heading for the door.  Jace latched onto one of my wrist to stop my forward movement.

"Ok, but we all go.  Everyone be careful.  There may be some royals still nearby."

 We all moved as one with me carefully inserted in the middle as we made our way towards the gates.  Once we left the security of the pack grounds the circle tightened around me weapons drawn ready for an attack.  We made it to the cliffs and then some of the guys broke off from the protective circle to scan the immediate area.  It was just me and the girls left at the cliffs when I spotted the scroll  held down by a rock. I ran over picking up the scroll reading the handwritten demand from Sebastian. Sage and Raven read the note over my shoulder passing along the contents of the letter through the mindlink to the others.  I was surrounded again blinking my eyes rapidly trying to keep the tears at bay.

"No, Celina you can't." Jace grabbed the paper out of my hand.

"Like hell I can't.  Read it! They want me to meet them in two days, if not they will kill them!  I'm going!"

"Celina, Jace is right.  This is what they want!" Keagan grasped my face pulling it up to look at him.  "You have to go to the castle and show that you are alive!"

"No, I can't. I won't! I'm going to meet with Sebastian.  I won't risk their lives! I can't live without them!"

"Celina you will go the castle." The new voice roared over us.  I turned to see Alpha Halder and several warriors surrounding him.  "If you don't go, then the King will stay in power! You must go before they leave.  This may be our only chance."

"You can't ask me to do that! He's your son, they will kill him if I don't show up! Don't you all understand!" I was becoming hysterical.  How can I make them understand.  I will die if I lose them! I loved them!

Alpha looked at me seriously, "I know what is at stake. You going to the castle its too important.  People are dying!"

Jules shook me violently, "Listen to us! You are our queen and your people must come first!" 

"Jules not you too. I can't!" I cried rubbing at my heart furiously trying to alleviate the pain that rocketed through it. 

"I will go and I will bring them back alive! I swear it, Celina." Jules crushed me to his body holding me up. 

"I will go too." Keagan shouted.

"Me too." Colin voice boomed his agreement.

Soon several shouts arose from the group to take on the mission to rescue Trevor and Korin. Still encased in Jules arms I felt someone grab my hand.  I let go of Jules to see that Raven had stepped up close to me.

"Celina, you have to go to the castle.  You know that don't you?" I closed my eyes wanting to block out the truth in her statement. "Trust us, we will bring them back."

I opened my eyes and searched all the determined faces around me.  They were will filled with determination and resolve. I knew what I had to do. "You bring them back to me alive! Or I swear to the goddess..."

"We will!" Jules stated fiercely.


I know its short but had to get out of my head.... will update later today or tomorrow! Nicci

Royal War: Sequel to Royal SecretWhere stories live. Discover now