Chapter 1

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My name was Heather. I was one of the many daughters of King Jasper, the great ruler of Grilacia. As a child, I had always been the favourite out of all of my siblings, as I was the one who had most inherited the looks of my mother. I had only ever heard stories about my mother, as she had died after giving birth to me. Of course, Gwendoline (my oldest sister) would boast of how she got to know my mother the most.

Gwendoline was the brattiest person you could ever come across. She constantly degraded all of us younger ones, and she was always fighting for father's attention. If ever my father would look at me she would scream- "DADDY! I WANT SOME MORE JEWELRY!" and she would be given more. My father was quite scared of Gwendoline, and gave her everything she could wish for. Not that she was ever satisfied, of course.

When any of my suitors would visit she would attempt to divert their attention to her, as well. If I was taking a walk by the lake with one, she would come stalking along, skirts hitched high, blowing a kiss at them. They would often glance at her but turn their attention back to me quickly. I didn't care to be honest. I didn't ever take a liking to any of my suitors, except maybe Chester.

Chester was not a Prince of any sort. He wasn't rich or well known. He was only the Palace's Stable Boy. Well, he was more than that to me. He had hazelnut eyes and long dark hair. His smile could melt any girl's heart, but I was the only girl of my position who would give him a second glance.

"Morning, Princess," he would call cheerily to me as I came to give the horses some apples, giving me a cheeky grin. Snatching an apple out of my hand, he would grin and say "Thank you Princess, you're so kind!" I would take it back and laugh with him, telling him that if he wanted some he could come and pick some with me.

Unfortunately, he would always decline. "Sorry, Princess," he would whisper to me. "My job is in a stable."
"Why can't you come, just once?" I pleaded.
"What would your father say if he caught you with me?"
"I don't care what father thinks, nor anyone for that matter." When I said that, he would wrap his arms around me and place his head on my shoulder.
"There's my sweet, stubborn Princess," he would smile, ruffling my hair. We would stay like that for ages, until a maid came calling for me to come back inside.

One day, when I returned, the whole family were standing inside, waiting for me, a frown on their faces. "Heather," my father said, in the sternest voice he could manage. "Please come into my study, I need to have some words with you. Gwendoline, you may come along as well." I turned my attention to her. Oh no, I thought. What has she said?

When we were both inside the study, my father gestured for us to sit down. A maid was asked to shut the door, and was dismissed. There was an awkward silence. At last, father broke it. "It has been brought to my attention that you and a Stable Boy have been getting too close." My eyes widened with shock, only to be replaced with anger. I glared at Gwendoline. Gosh, I hated her.
"Is this true?" my father asked.
I hung my head in shame. "Yes, father," I said quietly. I knew it was best to not lie to father.
"Disgusting," Gwendoline chipped in. I wanted to kill her. How dare she do this?
"The Kingdom rules are that no member of high status shall be more than acquaintances with anyone of lower eminence. You have broken the Kingdom rules and therefore you shall be punished. So will the Stable Boy."

"No, father!" I suddenly cried. "Please don't do anything to Chester. Please!"
"He is to be removed from the Kingdom immediatly, and is never to return. If he is seen near here again, he shall be sent to the stocks."
"No father! Please!" I cried, tears streaming down my face. I went to grab his hands, but he stood up. "Butler!" he called. "Go to the guards and instruct them to find the Stable boy and dispose of him immediately." With that, father left the room, locking the door behind him.

"No!" I screamed, banging on the door with all my might. "No! Leave Chester alone! Please!" I screamed, to no avail. My sister just stood in the corner, smirking. I ran to the window, just in time to see Chester being dragged away. I sank to the floor. Chester... he was gone. Gone forever.

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