Chapter 22 (the ending)

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  I guess you are wondering what happened after that

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  I guess you are wondering what happened after that. Well, when the news spread around that the Giant was dead, all the men involved became celebrities. They had statues built in their honour, and enjoyed their new, rich lifestyle very much, seemingly forgetting about who they killed. However, whenever they saw me they would get that same look of guilt that they had after they killed the Giant.

I was invited back to the Palace, and my father gave me biggest apology he could. He offered to let me live back in the Palace again, but I refused, of course. Gwendoline was stripped of all her jewelry and gowns and forced to work as a maid in the castle for three whole months as a punishment for, well, being Gwendoline.

The kind sailor man I had met in the dungeon was released. He took his kids and ended up marrying a much nicer woman than his old wife. Reade and I made sure to visit them often. Other prisoners that were wrongly imprisoned were also released and sent back to their families, with a hundred gold coins in money each.

As I said before, I never saw Chester again. Apparently he left the kingdom once again and returned to where he had been staying when he was banished. I made no effort to find him as I was happy enough with my new life, but I knew that he was truly sorry and had truly believed he was saving me when he killed the Giant.

As you can probably predict, I moved in officially with Reade and the Dwarfs. We lived very happily together, and Reade and I even bore two children, and girl and a boy named Sarah and Jonathan. They made us tell this story many times when they were growing up.

The body of the Giant was left up in the cave and has not been moved ever since that day. Legend has it that it did not decompose, just simply stayed together as if he was sleeping, which locals say was the act of love. Not that I'm going to visit there again though!

Anyway, I hope those of you who have read my story (which is not many of you as I'm a terrible writer!) have enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Now, I guess all that's left to say is...


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