Dumb Bitch Pt. 2

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• I did write a first part to this as you can tell. This is the second part because I'm clearly not over this person who was supposed to be my "best friend". Lesson to you: If you feel like someone hurts you too much but can't leave because of others, do what u need to do and leave them because u don't deserve that pain. At least, that's what I did.•

So its been bout a month or two
We haven't really talked
I don't mind
But I bet you do.
You always sat hi and bye
Then roll your eyes
I just look, laugh, and no.
No, I didn't cry.
Hey, I also saw your sister
The one with the long ass hair
Braided- hah, I don't really care.
Didn't say one word
But look at me
Looked me and down
Judging me
Now I see where you get your personality
Now I'm starting to feel a little bit sorry
I was being innocent and hanging out with my best friend
Ya know, the one friendship I love and yall tried to end?
But it's okay
Non of your plans worked in the first place.
If yall try again, let me know so I stay out your way
But hey, here's an FYI
He's loves me more than you ever will in your whole life.
I'm not tryna fight
But it seems like you can't stand me in your sight
Don't get me wrong
It hurts sometimes
But at least I ain't as sensitive as you all the damn time.
Not sure if you wanna fix things up.
Not sure if you wanna give up
If you want things good
then say the word and then it should
But if you want to keep this game up
Then I suggest you give it up
There's only one winner
There's only one last laugh
And hun, I know I can last
(But can you?)
You give up so easily in every round
Saying it ain't worth the play but pretty sure you just don't wanna frown.
But it's okay
I'll stay out your way
But, who's stronger now?
I'm happy now
Laughing loud
And guess what?
That's a rare sound
I'm just glad that you out of my life and living your own
Having your own fight
And me with just my mind
I'm glad that you think postive and think that you do no negative
Think again because you hurt to many.
Including me.

We came so far.
Dreams of this and dreaming of cars.
Came from one school
Went together to another
We were cool
And now we all stubborn.
Dunno bout you
But I am good
My minds messed up but I'm still good like i said I would.
You seem a little lost?
Want me to call your mom?
That's right.
You always need mommy to direct you to the light.
But not me.
I get myself into things.
Come back and keep on living.
While you
You gotta have somebody
Well guess what?
I had nobody.
You thought I had it all
Had all the friends and someone to call.
But, you were wrong.
Turns out, had no one at all.
You were supposed to be my best friend.
What the fuck
Now you left me like a dying trend.
I mean, it's still good
It's still a memory
But it's not, it really means anything.
And that's you to me.
Ha, I would say sorry
But you still can't come up to me
And apologize for all your things
You told me to notice the words that I said the past 2 days
But here's the thing

Why don't you notice the things you did 3 years back then?

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