Chapter Six: John Isn't Sticking To The Plan

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Laurens|First Person

"Hey, cutie." I look up in alarm at Alex as he enters the cabin. He smiles at me and walks over to where I'm sitting on my bed. 

"Um, hi, Alex." He chuckles and sits down next to me, leaning on my shoulder and burying his face in my neck. His lips graze the skin and I gasp, pulling away to look at him. "Alex, what're you-" He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine, humming into my mouth as if to tell me to shut up. I hum back, sort of surprised for a moment before going to wrap my arms around him. His back is too soft though, and when I lean in to kiss him again I'm met with only empty air.

My eyes shoot open and I'm more than disappointed to see Alexander sound asleep in his own bed across the room, murmuring softly as he stirs for a moment and settles back into his dream. I sigh, staring at the crack in the window that shows the still dark sky.

I can't imagine possibly being able to sleep now. I groan a little to myself and look back over at Alex. My thoughts go to the events of the day before. We hadn't found anything interesting to do during capture the flag, so we ended up in the cabin playing cards. I taught him poker and we bet pebbles we found outside. In the end, he cleaned me out, though I may have gone easy on him. He still grinned and gloated over it all during dinner, which he ate with Peggy and me. Afterward, Lafayette had invited him down to the lake with Hercules and Eliza, but he declined, much to my enjoyment. We went back to our cabin with Peggy and she showed us how she made her dream catcher, though no matter what we did, hers always looked better. She ended up making one for us during arts and crafts anyway though, so now they hang above our beds on dangerously rusty nails.

Alex had smiled and bounced around like a puppy when I put them up, looking adorable as he failed to sit still on the edge of his bed. I had wanted to kiss him so bad in that moment. Even thinking of it now I have a hard time controlling my feelings. I can't help that he's so cute though. I can think he's cute, can't I? So long as I don't act on my thoughts I'm free to have them, right? 

I turn over in my bed, making the old metal creak beneath me. Why did I have to get stuck with Alexander as a roommate? If he was in some other person's cabin I could at least get away from him for a while, talk myself out of wanting him. 

I glance over at him again, knowing deep down that there is now way I could ever not want this boy- fucked up mind and all.


"Pegs?" I whisper during breakfast the next morning. Alexander is currently talking to Angelica, only a table away. She grunts, keeping her head on the table. She had been like this all morning, communicating in grunts and almost falling asleep in her cereal. "C'mon, Peggy. I need your advice." She grunts again, though this time she tilts her head to the side on her arm and looks up at me with half-closed eyes. 

"What is it?" She asks, sounding annoyed. I look up to see Alex walking out the door with Angelica. The rest of the mess hall is starting to clean up as well, but I figure I'll have enough time before we're kicked out so they can start the activity for whatever age group is scheduled this morning. 

"Peggy, what do you do when you want to stop liking someone?" 

She raises her eyebrows, sitting up a little to look at me properly. "Who do you like?" She questions, suddenly rather interested in my problems.

"None of your business. I can't like him anyway. It wouldn't work." She rolls her eyes, taking a deep breath as she straightens out her spine and looks me in the eye. 

"Look, if it isn't going to work out it'll die off on its own." I gnaw on the inside of my cheek, thinking this over. "But," she says, pulling me back into the present. "If it is going to work there's nothing you can do. You have to just let life happen sometimes." 

I nod, looking down at the table for a moment. "That was pretty deep, Pegs. Even for you." 

She rolls her eyes, "I try John, I really do." I chuckle as she stands and picks up our dishes. "I've gotta go, I told Maria I'd meet up with her after breakfast." 

"Good luck," I tell her as she walks off with our plates. She only nods at me and goes off on her own, leaving me to wonder when she grew up so much. 

A short little filler real quick for you guys. New part will be out soon though, don't worry.

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