Chapter Twenty-Two: Protective Parents Raise Fantastic Liars

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Hamilton|First Person

By the time noon had finally rolled around, I was nearly bouncing in place on my sad mushy mattress in anticipation. I'd been on my best behavior today, I made sure of that. I even volunteered to do James' chores this morning, which was more of a unlying bribe for him to let me continue to use his phone if I could get John to bring a charger. Either way, I was pretty sure it was rubbing off on Ms. Cornelius because she hasn't glared at me once today, and I call that a win. 

It was twelve-oh-seven when there was a knock on the front door. I knew this because I was sure to keep one eye on the clock in the hall, even though it was two minutes slow. The math gave me something to do besides rereading the same paragraph while I waited anxiously. When the knock sounded a surge of excitement rushed through my chest, leaving me grinning as I rushed up out of the laundry room and down the hall to see Ms. Cornelius' large frame blocking the front door where she was having a conversation with someone else in a low voice. My heart pounded as I neared them. 

I peer around her shoulder to catch a brief glimpse of the one and only John Laurens, whose eyes brighten just slightly when they meet mine. I grin even wider, taking a step back before Ms. Cornelius can notice me. 

"I just need to speak with Alexander for a moment," John continues as I back even further into the shadows of the hallway. I watch his face soften as he pleads with the awful person standing between us. I hold my breath, waiting for her response. 

"Mr. Hamilton, you mean?" She asks him in a nearly patronizing tone. His eyebrows knit together for a moment before he answers.

"Yes, ma'am. Is that a problem? I won't take him far, just outside for a minute." He smiles warmly at her. I find it impossible that she's still pondering over this even under his soothing expression. If it were me I'd already be melting at his feet. 

"I'm sorry, Alexander has lost his visiting privileges for the time being. Maybe you can come back in a week or so and try again," the witch says the words brightly. I have a feeling it helps her sleep at night being cruel to helpless foster kids. I fume at the thought. 

"Oh...alright..." John glances over Cornelius' shoulder at me once more as I scramble for a solution. "I guess I'll be back next week then..." He starts again, and just as the door starts to close over his beautiful, worried expression I manage to mouth something to him I'm not too sure if he understands. 

"Guess so," Ms. Cornelius tells him cheerily. At the last moment before he disappears again I think- think- I catch a vague nod that fills me with hope and ecstasy. The kind that fuels me to run on my tiptoes down the creaky floorboards in the hallway and back into the laundry room. I leap over James' mattress that he's still lying on top of and slowly crack open the back door just enough for me to slip through. 

My roommate mutters something after me in a hushed voice, but I can't hear him so I just shut the door and hurry over to the beaten wooden fence that rings the backyard. I pray that I didn't miss him already. 

"Alex...?" Someone hisses through the fence a few boards down. My chest clenches in disbelief. I nearly slip on the grass trying to reach him. "Alex?" He asks again, this time a little louder. 

"John," I breathe back, peeking through a hole in the fence and seeing him leaning toward it, a nervous look on his face. He sighs in relief as he spots me, leaning toward my hole with a small smile on his face. 

"Your hair..." He starts, bringing up a hand to rest on one of the boards beside me. I smile back anxiously. 

"It got too hot," I tell him in response, sheepishly leaning back from my hole and touching the back of my scalp. He grins at me, leaning even further down to get a better look. 

"I like it," he tells me. I smile, glad he doesn't think it makes me look too different or something. "Who's the bitch inside," he whispers. I chuckle lightly, the action feeling odd. 

"Mrs. Cornelius. She runs the place...though not very well." He laughs quietly. "

"Can I really not see you until next week?" He asks sadly. My stomach clenches at the thought. I don't think I could make it that long. 

"No," I murmur, though I'm not too sure if I can live up to it. "I can try to sneak out tonight." I watch his mouth go from a frown to a grin in half a second. His giddiness leeches onto me, making my voice sound excited. "Does midnight work for you?" 

"Can you pull that off?" 

"My roommate will cover me," I tell him. I hardly think James would be willing to do this for me, but I don't really have a choice. "We might have to bribe him..." I mutter. John frowns. 

"Ok...I guess I'll see you at midnight then," he tells me, reluctant to end our conversation. "We have a lot to catch up on," he smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes. 

"You have no idea." 

My Ouija board told me and my friends I was the least attractive...

There's also a demon living in my house. I named him Bune.

You guys have any paranormal experiences?

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