Chapter Thirteen: Faking It

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Hamilton|First Person

I had fallen asleep almost as soon as I was back in my cabin. Apparently John's little midnight adventure had messed with my night a little more than I was willing to admit. That still didn't make him a jerk though, I still despise him for what he did.

I mean, sure his freckles still remind me of the stars in a sort of beautiful way, and his laugh is still one of the prettiest sounds that I can recall.

He's a jerk though. An arrogant bastard- a cute one, mind you- but still just as much of an asshole.

I waste time holded up in the dark cabin by playing King's Corners by myself with the deck of cards John taught me how to play poker with. I totally kicked his ass at his stupid card game.

I'm sat cross legged on my bed, careful not to disturb the card neatly layered before me. The dreadful sound of footsteps climbing the stairs outside the cabin has me rolling my eyes and sighing dramatically. I bite down on the inside of my cheek, preparing myself for what could very well be a month of harcore silent treatment.

When he enters I notice his hair down, sticking out at wild angles. It's sort of cute like that, not that it makes any difference as to my opinions on him. I look down to my cards, placing another one carefully on top of the blanket. I watch him drop his backpack out of the corner of my eye. A second later my cards shift and I look up momentarily to see him sitting on the opposite side of my bed. I press my lips together, holding back a sigh at him.

"Alex?" He asks in a soft voice. I duck my head further, trying to escape his line of sight. "Alex, I'm sorry. Really. I don't know what I was thinking last night." I shrug at his words, focusing on setting another card down. He catches my wrist in his hand. I look at him in surprise, quickly turning my features into a glare.

"What do you want, John?" I spit at him. Does he really think he's going to apologize and make everything better?

"Do you believe me?" He asks, voice hopeful. "I really, really like you Alex. I want to try again."

"The last guy who liked me left me in the middle of a forest," I tell him nonchalantly. His fingers loosen a little around my wrist, but he doesn't let it go. I feel a little victory at that.

"I know, it was a douche move. I'm sorry." He takes my other hand, now lacing our fingers together and leaning over my cards. They start to slip on the bed, but I don't think about them as I look up into his eyes. Those damned hazel eyes...

"So?" I ask, already feeling my angry exterior starting to crack as his lips tilt into a goofy half smile.

"I want to try again. I swear I won't leave this time, cross my heart." He does as he says, dropping my hands to hold up a palm and trace an x over his chest. "Can I please have another chance, Alex. I've waited so long for this, I don't want to fuck it up again." He picks up my hands again, scooting forward so that his knee rests on the cards. A couple slip to the dirty cabin floor, "please?" He mutters, now only an inch from my face. I don't remember letting him get this close.

"You get one more chance," I whisper to his lips that brush on mine. He grins into my mouth for a moment, then kisses me fully with an opened mouth. I kiss back, feeling a little remorse for cracking so easily, but loving the way his hands feel on my hips even more.

He pushes me back onto my bed, moving to straddle me, the cards sliding around under his knees. I wrap my arms around his back, tangling my fingers into his hair. His palms run up and down my chest, pausing on my shoulders to kiss my neck. I grunt a little at his touches, letting him suck the skin above my collar bones as he starts to rock his hips into mine.

I slide my hands down, gripping his hips to hold down on my own. He moans quietly, pulling away from my neck to toss his head back and push himself down on me fully.

The door swings open suddenly though, sending John off of my lap and to the other side of the bed. He wipes his lips, looking to the silhouette standing in our doorway. I prop myself up onto my elbows, just barely making out Peggy's face.

"She kissed her," the girl gasps. She falls into the doorway, just barely catching herself. John springs up toward her, helping her to his bed across the room. I sit up on my own bed, watching her shoulder shake with heaving breathing and sobs.

"Who?" John asks, rubbing her back soothingly. He shoots me a glance before turning his attention back to our friend. I quickly shove my hands into my lap, watching as she looks back up to answer.

"Eliza," Peggy gasps out, looking at me. The whites of her eyes are stained red. It looks like she'd been crying for a while. "Eliza kissed Maria." 

Whoop! 1k! Thanks guys!

I love it when you guys blow up my phone so I have something to come home to, but I'm sort of sick of just getting votes so here's a little question for my ham fam:

How'd you guys get into Hamilton?

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