Chapter Twenty-One: Reunions Are Always Hard To Plan

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|Third Person|

Just as soon as John Laurens is awake at the ripe hour of five in the morning he's pulling on his shoes and grabbing his things to shove in his pockets on the way out the Schuyler's home. He hurries to his truck, swinging into the driver's seat and turning on the engine before even pulling out his phone again to reread the text or type out a response. 

I need help. It's Alex. 

Those five words ring in his head, bouncing around his skull. 

To: Alex

I need an address. 

John sighs into into his steering wheel, suddenly feeling tired again. He knows Alexander probably won't answer for a while and he had nothing to do but worry until then. He's a bit surprised when his phone chimes a second later with what he assumes is Alex's address. A second one comes through a moment later. 

From: Alex

This is my roommate's phone. It's at thirteen percent. 

John chews bis lip, already for feeling sad about not being able to text back. He clenches his teeth as he types out what is probably his last message to Alex for a while.

To: Alex 

I'm on my way. 

John punches in the address on his GPS and groans when he sees Alex is nearly six hours away. He sighs again, shifting his truck into drive and pulling out of the Schuyler's driveway toward the freeway.


It's nearly midnight when John finally puts his truck into park across the street from an old house with cracked wood along the sides of it. He rubs his eyes, sleep tugging on his eyelids. It turns out he wasn't quite as good a navigator as he thought he was- even with his GPS.

He picks up his phone from the cup-holder, which he'd turned off about an hour into driving. He blinks a couple times as he waits for the thing to turn back on. He already knows what's waiting for him.

Seven missed calls from: Pegs

Nine missed calls from: Angie

From: Angie

What the hell, John? Where are you? Why aren't you answering.

From: Angie

Clean out your damn voicemail so I can at least chew you out without having to type.

From: Pegs

Why didn't you wake me up?

From: Pegs

Where are you even going?

From: Pegs

Is this about Alex? If it is I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I didn't want you to get hurt.

John clenches his jaw. She knew? Peggy knew that Alexander was trying to reach out to him and she fucking hid it from him. He smacks his hand onto the steering wheel, causing a loud honk to sound down the street. It echos off the quiet run-down houses, making John cringe.

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