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Hamilton|First Person

When we'd bought our RV together, I still felt bad about John having to sell his truck. He insisted he was just as ecstatic to have this colossal thing to drive now as he was when he first got his truck two years ago. I remained skeptical of these claims for another month as we drove east across the states to Pennsylvania where John's aunt lived. There, we stayed in her driveway for a year before we started again on another trip. 

Angelica ended up going to Columbia university in New York for her freshman year of college- after her gap year during our senior year of high school. She lived off campus during that time, with Aaron Burr while their relationship crumbled before all our eyes. He knocked up some girl named Theodosia the first week of summer vacation, and Angelica called John and I to see if we'd help her move back home to California. 

She stayed there while Peggy finished school, transferring to independent study for her final year. Eliza ran off during her first week of college in San Francisco studying marine biology. It wasn't until a month later that we found out she was way down in Arizona with the one and only Maria Reynolds. And, as expected, it didn't last long. 

She came back home only half a month later, and a week after that, tested positive for AIDS. 

John and I went off to Seattle for half a year, keeping in touch with the sisters. I eventually ran into James Madison again, slurring and vomiting over himself in a bar one night. I'd taken him back to the apartment John and I were renting after we sold the RV. John and I argued about that for a good month after James went back home. 

But still, I agreed to move with him to New York. 

Angelica visited us a couple times, and eventually, bought an apartment a couple blocks away from us. She finished college online while working at a company her father owned, pretending to climb the ranks while she pretended to enjoy her job. 

Peggy moved to Canada with someone she'd met online. A person named Taylor that she was completely infatuated with. They came down to visit us often, each time seeming more and more in love than the last. They proposed to Peggy on her twenty-first birthday, and then proceed to celebrate by getting wasted, and calling Angelica drunk while she was over for dinner and breaking the news. We then, of course, got wasted in celebration as well. 

I hadn't seen Eliza since we were nineteen, so when she showed up at her little sister's wedding skinny and defeated  I was taken aback. She slumped in her seat, and the straps of her bridesmaid dress had slipped down off her shoulders the whole time. Angelica had her come live in New York with her after that. 

During that time, Angelica and I took care of Eliza. She seemed a little healthier after a while, and John had a good job at a bank in the middle of town. We were doing good with bills, and we were happier than we'd been in a while. I was beginning to wonder if there'd be another wedding in the near future with the way he was sneaking around jokingly with Angelica downtown to a pawn shop we often window shopped at. I had a feeling there was a reason why he was asking if I had any rings that fit really good. 

He popped the question on Valentine's day when we were both twenty-five. We reveled in happiness for hardly a week after that. 

Angelica called John and I at four in the morning of February, twenty-second, telling us Eliza had thrown herself off the balcony over the street of their twentieth floor apartment. I mourned, naturally. Eliza and I had just been beginning to get close. 

John started drinking then. He yelled at me for being so sad over a bitch who was only nice to me because she liked me. He told me again and again that I was his, that he was the one who was engaged to me. He hit me only once. 

We broke off the engagement, and Angelica helped me find a place in Manhattan where I found a job at a newspaper as an editor. 

Today would be John and I's five year anniversary of marriage if we'd gone through and tied the knot on June fourteenth like we'd planned. Today Peggy and Taylor came down and hung out with me for a couple hours before going back to Angelica's apartment to spend the night before heading back to Canada tomorrow morning. Today would've been rather lonely if it weren't for John Laurens calling me and coming over and sleeping with me in my own bed. 

Call it sick. Call it stockholm syndrome for all I care. 

You knew what you signed up for. Unstable is in the title. 

End of Part Two

I feel like I could've done a lot better with this ending, but the idea of this sort of omniscient timeline ending has been my goal for a while now. Comment your criticism if you want I guess. I always feel like my endings are sloppy and I want to get better.

Also, if you guys like my writing enough to read something non-Hamilton related maybe you'd be interested in my joint account with a friend of mine. 

We've been working on a book for a good year I guess now, and it started off as a conversation on the last day of school about book ideas. As of now none of it is published, but we're nearing that point. I'll leave the @ at the end of this note, if you want to follow now, or if you want to maybe put my spam book in your archive or something to keep tabs.

Thank you so much for all your votes and comments and reads. I know I'm not so consistent with updates, but if you want to stick around for my other projects you're welcome.

<3 Rye

Follow my joint account: SkyeRyeBread

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