Chapter Eighteen: Time For Real Life

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|Third Person|

Summer passes far too quickly for everyone at Medowview. Just about every kid is reluctant in hugging their friends goodbye. Not even the usually cold hearted Eliza Schuyler has dry eyes at the end of the day. They are standing by the front of the camp, the parking lot in full view. Hardly anyone remains. 

Alexander stands far from Eliza's bitch clique for the time being. Angelica stands with them, glaring at Maria Reynolds who broke two of her sister's hearts this summer. She tightens her grip on Peggy's hand, forcing a smile onto her face and looking over to John. 

He's a mess. Anyone could see it. He hangs on Alexander's arm like he's a lifeline, never letting him get more than a couple inches away. Alex looks tad too blank for anyone's comfort. They offer him kind words, hugging him and telling him they'll keep in touch. Deep down they know it's a long shot, summer friends usually don't work out, but no one would dare admit that out loud. 

A sleek-looking Mercedes Benz rolls over the packed dirt of the parking lot, looking out of place in the rugged environment. Angelica nudges her sister, recognizing their butler sitting behind the wheel. Their father must've been too busy to come pick them up. 

"That's us. Call me when you get home, John?" Angelica looks to the aforementioned, sending him a sympathetic smile as he twists his fingers with his boyfriend's and leans over to give her an awkward side hug. 

"Sure thing. See you, Angie." He smiles tightly at her, then looks down at Peggy who looks genuinely sad to be getting in the car. Usually this is her favorite part of camp- leaving, that is.   

"Bye, John," she sniffles. She wraps her arms around his neck quickly, then moves on to Alex. "Bye, Lexi." She frowns at his arms that only sit loosely on her back. "Take care of yourselves." She nods sternly, telling herself not to cry. 

"Don't worry, Pegs. We'll be ok." John ruffles her hair, trying to look strong for the girl. She smiles just barely and takes Angelica's hand before lugging her bags towards the car. Eliza follows after the girls, sending a final wave to Hercules and Lafayette. It seems like hardly a minute before they're all inside the car and driving out of sight. 

A few minutes later John and Alex are the last ones standing in the parking lot. The last car disappears around the corner and they both fall into an agreeable silence. John wraps his arm around Alex, both boys leaning against each other with a mutual need for the support. 

Not even thirty seconds later a familiar BMW rolls up to the boys. John Laurens' mother sits in the front seat, messing with the knobs on her dash, completely oblivious to her son and the boy who clings to him with teary eyes. 

"What am I going to do, John?" He cries as he grips onto his chest. Tears roll in fat drops down his cheeks and leak onto John's shirt. The aforementioned can only bite back his own tears and hug Alexander back as tight as he can without suffocating him. 

"It's ok, Alex. I'll find you, don't worry. It'll be ok." He spews some more cliche bullshit that neither of them believe. Alexander just sniffles into his shirt one last time before accepting his fate. 

This is the last time  he'll ever see John. Things like this only work out in the movies. This isn't a movie. This is an over-dramatic, angsty depiction of real life- but real life nonetheless. Alexander nods at John and watches him gather his bags and climb into his car and disappear from his life for what seems like forever. 

And just as he drives away and his case worker shows up in a van to take him to a new foster home. A wave of hopelessness washes over him. This is it. This was the best part of his life. There is no reason for him to keep going now. There is no point in living. 

End of Part One

I will post the intermission with just some recap information, but part two will start shortly.

Also my Mullette is out if you're interested.

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