Chapter Fourteen: Protection is Such a Funny Concept

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|Third Person|

"Fucking bitch," John grumbles just loud enough for Alexander to hear him at their table during breakfast the next morning. Across from them sits Angelica, having joined their little group after seeing what state her little sister was in this morning. Peggy's face is completely blank as she sets her head on her sister's shoulder, really just wanting to go back to bed.

"How'd you sleep last night, Pegs?" Alex asks in an attempt to get something other than a grunt from the girl. John knocks his knee together with Alex's, glancing over Angelica's shoulder to the table that holds Eliza's happy little crew of minions. She giggles obnoxiously as Maria alternates between poking her sides and feeding her bites of fruit. Of course Hercules and Lafayette just sit there, awing over their juvenile romance. John has to clench his hand into a fest to keep from getting up to smack the shit out of those clowns. His other hand is too busy holding Alexander's, making it a little easier to keep his emotions in check.

"Like crap," Peggy murmurs, lifting her head from Angelica to rub her eyes and gather her messy curls into a ponytail. Beneath her eyes are shadows and sagging skin, it's obvious that she had been up most of the night. Angelica reaches over and covers Peggy's hand with her own. Her sister stares down sadly at her untouched breakfast.

"You're too good for that anyway," Alexander offers, flashing a small smile at the heartbroken girl. Peggy doesn't look up, only nodding weakly in his direction.

John sighs, looking down at his fingers intertwined with Alex's. His chest gets warm at just the thought alone of the boy next to him. The two had passed out together in John's bed last night after Peggy left, making for the welcoming wakeup call of Alexander rolling on top of him and kissing his neck until he got out of bed.

John's face flushes red as he replays the morning's events again in his head. He feels a little guilty of course, seeing that Peggy is still sulking a foot away from him.

The aforementioned looks at the table where her sister and her ex reside. She sighs, looking up at the rest of her friends sitting around her. She smiles weakly, knowing it's a weak attempt at mock happiness.

"I just need a distraction," she announces. "You guys want to hang out at the beach today?" She asks, perking up a little in hopes of having something to do other than be sad about her failed relationship.

"Sounds good," Angelica tells her in a cheery tone. She touches her shoulder gently, watching her sister look over at John and Alexander hopefully.

"I'm down," John says, looking to Alex who nods in agreement.

"Good, then maybe you two could hold hands above the table." Peggy quirks an eyebrow, glancing down momentarily as the two boys quickly release each other's hands and blush pink.

"I-" Alex starts, embarrassed at being called out by a fifteen year old. He's not quite used to this aspect of relationships yet.

"Is this the result of that colossal crush you were telling me about, John?" Angelica smirks, causing Alexander to look up at John questioningly.

His face flushes red. He ducks his head and scoots away from Alexander, stumbling over his words as he tries to explain. "What? I mean- Ang, really?" He looks up for a moment, instantly regretting it at the three knowing looks he gets from his friends. "Why do you guys hate me?" He groans, pressing his hands to his face and hunching his shoulders.

"I don't hate you," Alexander muses, sliding back up beside John. He sets his head on his shoulder affectionately. "I think you're cute," he says, causing John to blush harder and peek through his hands for a second to lay eyes on Aaron Burr, whom he'd been paying a bit more attention to than usual this morning.

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