Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Schuyler Dwelling

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Hamilton|First Person

"Alex...we're here." 

John's voice is soft as he shakes me gently. The cushioning on the seats of his truck is warm, making me want to sink back into it when I pry my eyes open. I blink, looking around to see a foggy scene of a heavily landscaped yard, leading up to a grand house, all white marble and fancy columns. I squint a little, unsure if we're in the right place. Did I really sleep through that whole six hour drive...? 

"Alex? Are you ready to get out?" John rests his warm hand on my shoulder. I look back over at him. He's sitting forward in his seat, leaning over the consol. I nod, a little numbly albeit. He flashes me a tentative smile and watches as I struggle to unbuckle myself. 

Eventually I get my door open and stumble down onto the paved walk up to the wide porch of the house. I look back to John, a little more aware this time. "Where are we?" I ask in a hoarse voice. My cheek stings as I move it to speak. 

"This is Angelica and Peggy's house," he smiles at me reassuringly. I look back to the house with new understanding. That makes more sense. He wraps his arm around my waist and guides me up the steps to the big white door with crystallized windows. "They said we could crash here for a couple days." 

I frown. I don't want to be a burden. 

The door flies open as soon as we're within a foot of it. An excited Peggy with bright eyes in a giant sweater launches herself at us. She squeezes the three of us together, standing on her tiptoes to reach our shoulders. I smile as wide I can with my sore cheek, laughing lightly, though it hurts a little to be held so tight. 

"Hey, Pegs," John laughs. Peggy pries herself away from us to grin. 

"You drive so slow, John," she complains. I laugh again as she rolls her eyes dramatically. "We thought you and Alex stopped somewhere along the way or something," she turns back as she says that, a familiar thin girl in a long grey robe smiles as she leans in the doorway. 

"Let them come in, Peggy. Alex looks like he's freezing." 

I glance down self consciously, seeing that I'm in torn jeans and a frayed hoodie. I'm already starting to miss the certainty of warm weather. 

"Hey, Ang," I mutter as John nudges me along, pushing me into the warm house toward a cushy living room. I sink into the sectional thankfully, sighing against the soft throw blanket hanging on the back of it. John sighs too, his eyelids fluttering as he leans into me. 

"You look like you could use a nap, John," Angelica comments, the amusement clear in her voice. Peggy's already shoving a stack of pillows from her end of the couch over to him and tugging the blanket off of the couch to drape over his body that only slumps into me further. John mutters something intelligible in response and situates himself, curling up beside me. I smile fondly down at him, feeling a little bad for making him drive the whole way while I only slept. 

"You want some breakfast, Lexi? Barbara made some French toast," Peggy plops herself beside me on the couch, Angelica taking the arm chair. 

"Who's Barbara?" 

Angelica waves her hand. "Dad's chef. He thinks we're completely helpless, leaves town for a month and makes sure we'll have a chef and butler on hand at all times." She chuckles to which I smile back awkwardly. I hadn't realized they were so well off during camp. 

"I guess I could eat," I shrug. John sighs beside me, sinking a little further into the couch. 

"Pegs, can you take Alex to the dining room? I'll go tell Barbara to bring some food out and get some clean clothes, yeah?" Peggy's already up on her feet, nodding quickly. 

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