Chapter Seven: This Storm Isn't Helping

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|Third Person|

"You d-don't think they'll still have th-the night hike tonight, r-right?" Alexander stands next to the window in his cabin, staring out at the darkening sky anxiously. Clouds had been blocking out the sun all day, growing dark with the promise of rain. 

"I don't think so, Mr. Washington would've called us to the field by now." John looks up over the book he had been reading to see Alexander sigh in relief, slumping against the wall and sitting cross-legged on the dirty wooden floor. "Is everything alright, Alex?" John sets aside his book and studies his friend on the ground, looking quite pale. The boy shrugs and looks back up at the window that remains cracked open by half an inch. The window itself is only covered by a screen, the real protection coming from a wooden shield you could prop open to let air in. 

"I don't like storms." Alex says quietly, looking down at his socked feet. He had been in his pajamas for a while now. Presently, it was about nine and John was in a pair of plaid pajama pants as well, wearing a Camp Meadowview shirt over the top. He stands and comes to sit beside Alexander, his intent to comfort him, but ending up sitting awkwardly, not knowing if it'd be ok to touch him.

It had been nearly a week since his chat with Peggy and his crush was nowhere near dying off. If anything he was liking Alex more and more as camp went on. Alex just always seemed to be having something in common with him, always doing something that made John blush and stay up late thinking about.

A clash of thunder outside breaks them both from their dazes. Alexander yelps and jumps away from the wall, leaving John to flinch at his sudden movements. He quickly regains his composure though, looking over at Alex who huddles beside his bed, shaking a little. John stands and closes the window, scowling at the lack of security. The thing could fly off if the wind blew too hard. Of course he would never voice this with Alex whimpering on the floor a couple feet away. 

He sinks to his knees beside Alex, only hesitating for a moment before wrapping his arms around him protectively. "It's ok, Alex." Alexander only leans into his arms and hugs him back. Another boom of thunder sounds off and Alex yells again. John tightens his arms around the boy, wishing he could fight the weather for making him so scared. "Come on," John grunts, pulling Alex up onto his bed and wrapping his blanket around the two of them. 

Alexander sniffles. "Thanks, John." He leans into John's embrace that warms him considerably. John nods a bit stiffly, feeling awkward holding Alex, though he seems to be enjoying it. 

"Why- why don't you like storms?" He asks, setting his chin on Alex's head and rubbing his back as he speaks. Alex sucks in a breath, but stops trembling so profusely. 

"When I was little there was a really b-big hurricane in m-my hometown." 

"New York?" John asks. He didn't think that New York often had hurricanes. 

Alex shakes his head beneath him. "No, in the Caribbean." 

"You grew up in the Caribbean?" John asks in disbelief. His mother had been born in the Caribbean and always went on and on about how beautiful it was. She always told him that they'd take a trip there once they could afford it. The problem is that John's mother could hardly afford anything ever. He doubts that he'll ever get to even leave the states themselves. 

"Mm-hm," Alex says, shivering. 

"Are you cold?" He shrugs, letting John pull the blanket tighter around them and try his best to share his body heat. He lets Alexander curl into his body, setting his head on his chest and bring his knees up. His hands rest on John's stomach, making his skin tingle where his fingers press. 

A flash of lightening glows dimly from under the door and a round of thunder follows in suit. Alex whimpers again as he grips onto a fistful of John's shirt and tries to hide himself in his embrace. 

"It's ok, I've got you." John's heart nearly breaks as the night carries on. He stays with Alexander curled into his chest for what feels like hours, whispering encouraging words until he drifts asleep in his arms. John gently tries to lie him down and untangle their limbs, but Alex clings onto his front with both hands. 

"Can you sleep here tonight?" He asks softly, eyes barely open. John feels his breathing hitch, but lies down next to him nonetheless, his heart beating a mile a minute. 

He stays completely still for a minute, his body shooting off lightning bolts from every point that Alex touches. His hands pressed to John's chest, their legs tangled up together. Alexander starts to stir though, muttering something intelligible under his breath and whining a little as he shifts around on John's body.

John finds it hard to breathe evenly, his arms tightens around Alex. His heart aches as he presses himself further under the blanket, trying to escape from whatever haunts his dreams. John moves his hand in a circle over his back, feeling him relax a little and slump back into him. He still whimpers occasionally, leaving John to whisper softly until he quiets down again.

"You'll be ok," he mutters into his hair. "I'll protect you." Alexander hums faintly and relaxes completely. John can't help himself, he ducks his head a little and presses his lips lightly to his forehead. Alexander sighs contently, falling into a deep sleep that he doesn't wake from for the rest of the night.

Whoops, cliche storm chapter. Oh well, there's a reason why they're called cliches- they work. 
Also I have finished part one as of tonight so I'm going to try to update more often.

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