What happened?

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DeLuca's POV

I walk out of the hospital to go to my car when I hear faint screams from down the street. I walk closer and I see someone kicking a woman. I walk a little faster and when I get closer I realize that the woman on the ground is Jo!

"Hey" I yell. 

The man runs off and I kneel down beside Jo.

"Jo its okay he is gone"

I pick her up and carry her back to the hospital and I keep whispering to her "your gonna be okay" 

Back at the hospital


I lay her down on the bed and Stephanie comes to help me get Jo on an IV.

"What happened?" She asks

"Someone was beating her up," I reply


"But Karev is in surgery" a nurse replies

"Then just get me Robbins," she says

I sit down beside her and just wait for her to open her eyes. 

5 minutes later

Jo opens her eyes.

"Help me, somebody, he..." Jo yells I grab her hand. 

"It's okay its, all over." I comfort her. Jo starts crying. 

"What happened?" I asked. 

"My husband he found me." She replied. 

"your husband?" I say. Before she replies Arizona walks in. 

"Okay, Jo we're gonna check on your baby then get your face stitched up," Arizona said. 

She placed the wand on her belly. There is a strong fetal heartbeat. 

"Jo your baby's gonna be fine, let me know if there any further complications," Arizona said. "Now I'll page Jackson stitch you up." 

"No, I can do it," I say. 

"DeLuca can I talk to you?" She said. "You have been through a lot why don't you get some rest."

"Page me if anything happens," I say I went to the on-call room and laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

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