Crying and Baby Names

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Jo's POV

This morning was really scary, I thought we were going to lose our baby. 

We take the rest of the day off to just be together and maybe work a little on planning our wedding.

When we get home I start crying, and Alex holds me while I cry. He even starts crying a little. 

"I can't bear the thought of losing our baby," Alex says on the verge of tears.

I start crying more.

"Me neither," I say through tears.

After we are done crying, we cuddle on our bed and talk more about baby names.

"I really like Elsie, because it's more unique than the others," I say

"Me too, but let's focus on ones we don't like so much so we can narrow it down," Alex replies

"Okay, let's not do Lydia, Anna, or Isabel. So that leaves Aubrey, Elsie, and Elizabeth." 

"Great! So we 3 names to narrow down to one in about 10 weeks. That should be enough time." 


It's about lunchtime so I ask Alex to make us lunch. While he is doing that I call April and she tells me what's been going on at the hospital today. 

"Well not a lot, but there was someone who came into the ER with a hammer lodged in his leg," April says

"WHAT?! That is CRAZY! How did you get it out?"

"Well, he is in surgery right now with Callie and Jackson as head surgeons."

"Wow, well let me know how he turns out. I got to go Alex just finished making lunch, but I'll talk to you later." I hang up the phone and go join Alex for lunch.

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