Labor Pt. 2

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Jo's POV

"Yeah, I'm ready this hurts like hell!"

They bring me into the OR for my C section and put me under. 

Alex's POV

I am able to be in the OR with Jo during the C section, and I want to be ready in case the baby has any problems since she isn't due for another 5 weeks.

The surgeon is Arizona since she is the only one I would trust enough to deliver my baby. 

She begins the C section and I am sitting by Jo holding her hand and praying that our baby will turn out perfect. We are lucky that we had just picked out a name last night, so the baby wouldn't have a name for the first few hours of her life. 

After about 15 minutes I hear Robbins say that the baby is out, but I haven't heard a cry yet. I ask her what's going on.

"What is happening Robbins? Is my baby okay?"

"Yes everything is fine Alex she is just having a little trouble breathing, but she will be fine once I intubate her." 

I rush over to see my baby. She is beautiful and looks just like her mom. Once Robbins gets the intubation tube in her vitals go up and she is breathing just fine.

I take care of my baby so Robbins can close Jo up. 

Once Jo is closed up, I take my baby up to the NICU, and I go see Jo in her room.

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