Chapter 6; Waffles and Heartache

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Massive trigger warning towards the end when watching Bailey's video journal.

If you are easily triggered by the talk of self-harm and suicide, then I heavily suggest you skip that part.

And if ANYONE is struggling with something or thinking about doing something that drastic, please reach out. To me, a parent, friend, teacher, or the suicide hotline for help. I promise there is light the end of that tunnel.

(P.O.V. Bailey)

I awoke the next morning in an unfimiliar room, sending a rush of panic through me. I sat up quickly, noticing that I had been covered in a blanket, and that someone was laying on the floor below me. I looked down, and saw that Dan was laying there, sound asleep.

He had brought a pillow and blanket from his room, and looked so peaceful. I remember last night in a rush, realizing that I must have fallen asleep when we arrived here from the carnival, and that I never actually made it home. I then began to worry about mom, and hoped that Dan or Phil let her know I was okay.

I felt to awkward to leave the room, I didn't want to look like I was snooping around their flat. I found it embarassing enough how much of a fan of them they know I am from mom. She told them during one of our run ins before inviting them over for dinner.

I smiled to myself, thinking about how a month ago I was watching them from the dark corners of my old bedroom, with tear stained cheeks, and loud over bearing thoughts. To now, actually laying in their guest room, Dan sleeping on the floor next to me, softly snoring. I hadn't had a panic attack in days, and I was beginning to understand what happiness was. It was a whole new experience for me, given that I was thirteen the last time I was truly happy.

I laid back down on the pillow, covering myself back up. I didn't want to wake up Dan, we had all been really tired the day before, and I knew he needed to rest. There was a knock on the door, and I looked over to see it was Phil. He was still in his PJ's, a messy case of bed head, and eyes still looking a bit groggy.

I pointed down at Dan, and then held a finger to my lips, letting him know to be quiet. He chuckled at his best friend, and then motioned for me to follow him. I slowly got up, and stepped over Dan, careful not to fall or step on him. I followed Phil down stairs, and into the kitchen, where he began to make coffee.

"Hungry? I would offer you cereal, but I sort of ate it all. Promise you won't tell Dan?" he asked, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

I laughed. "I swear."

"Good. Now, do you want pancakes, or waffles?" he asked.

"Umm...let's do...waffles!" I said happily, helping Phil get the ingredients we needed. He told me where things were as I fetched them.

While Phil mixed the batter, he began to sing. I laughed, and neither of us noticed that he had spilled some of the batter...until I slipped and fell, crashing into Phil in the process. The bowl of batter went up in the air, landing on my head, the batter dripping down my face.

The kitchen was a disaster, with flower, egg shells, and pans all over the place from Phil and I trying to cook. We never noticed it, until we heard footsteps running down the stairs, then Dan appearing the doorway looking horrifyed. Phil and I were on the floor, he was covered in flower, while I had a bowl of batter on my head.

"What have you two gotten into? This place, and most importantly Bailey, is a mess!" Dan said, between his fits of giggles.

"Well..." I said, but couldn't finish as batter dripped down my nose.

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