Chpater 16: Save Her

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P.O.V. Bailey

I stood there on my bed, the rope around my neck. Dan stood in my bedroom doorway, staring at me with wide eyes brimmed with tears.

"Bailey...?" he said softly, once the shock finally left his face.

I couldn't move, I just let the tears fall as I hopelessly stared at him. The voices that were perviously so loud and numbing were now totally silent. I wasn't sure if it was shock, or simply that Dan was so close.

Dan took a slow step foreward, careful to make sure I didn't do anyting drastic.

"G-go away, Dan." I stuttered, teetering on the edge of my bed. As the numb feeling began to subside, the rope began to feel rough around my neck.

Just like in my dream...?

"Bailey, you don't have to do this." Dan said, taking another step forward.

I shook my head. "You...h-hate me."

Dan gave me a sad expression. Guilt began to bubble up inside me, making me want to just hug Dan.

Was I having second thoughts?

Was I really worth this much to Dan?

"Bailey, I don't hate you. I could never hate you." je said, shaking his head.

"B-but you y-yelled at me." I stuttered, as my hands began to tremble.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you like that. I was just worried about you. But you don't have to do this, Bailey." he said, reaching out for my hands. I let him take them, unsure of how to feel. Standing right in front of me, Dan was only an inch or two shorter then me, and I was standing on my bed. "Please, come back to my apartment with me, and we can talk? I promise, no more yelling."

It took me a moment, letting his words sink in. The feeling of regret over came me as I saw how much I had actaully upset Dan. I nodded slowly, and Dan reached up, slowly removing the rope from around my neck. I nodded slowly, and Dan reached up, slowly removing the rope from around y neck.

Dan helping me off my bed, holding me steady until my wobbly legs regained balance. Slowly we mode our way downstairs, and I prepared to face my parents.

But they weren't there.

I gve Dan a quizical look, and he swallowed nevously.

"Your, um, parents went out to see Dr. Collens in her office when I went up to see you. They gave me the key to your door as they left." he said, and I sighed.

We made our way into Dan's apartment, and into the lounge, where Phil was sitting looking worried. When he saw us, his eyes went wide, and he rushed up, swallowing me into a hug.

Overwhelmed, i hugged Phil back and began to cry into his chest. Phil just stood there, shushing me, and rubbing small circles on my back. When I was finally able to control myself I pulled away, and looked at Dan, who motioned for the couch.

I sat down, Dan sat next to me, and Phil silently went upstairs. There was a heavy silence between us, until finally Dan broke it.

"Bailey, you know I have to call Dr. Collens and tell her what happened, right?" he saidm and I nodded.

I did know that, and as much as I hated it, I was sort of glad he did. Dan pulled his phone out, and dialed Dr. Collens number. He put on speaker so I could hear.

"Hello, Dr. Collens speaking." Her smooth accent said through the phone.

"Um, Hi, Dr. Collens. It's Dan, Bailey's friend." he said, awkwardly.

Save Her (Daniel Howell)Where stories live. Discover now